Saturday 18 July 2009

A summer of great expectations!

Yesterday evening was one of my most favourite times of the year. School broke up for the summer holidays, and Mr Josiekitten and I celebrated the end of the school year with our traditional Chinese takeaway! I'm a creature of habit so I had my usual beef with green pepper and blackbean sauce (which was extremely garlicky, so I have been told by Mr JK this morning!!), along with some rather yummy chow mein. We had a total blot-out in front of the TV for once, and I relished the weeks ahead - 6 weeks of glorious knitting time! I have been planning my holiday knitting for some time, and have come up with a list, so I thought that I'd share it with you at the start of the holidays, and then look at it again at the beginning of September. OK then, here goes! Deep breath........................... in no particular order we have.........
  1. Wolfgang's stripy socks
  2. Spinning Around Zauberball socks
  3. July sock challenge socks (not yet started - yikes!)
  4. Lizzy cardigan
  5. Secret Phoenix Knitting Forum project
  6. Felted pig for the pub that we knit in each week (The Pigs)
  7. August sock challenge socks
  8. Lizard Ridge blanket to start
  9. Innocent Smoothie hats to make for this year's Big Knit
  10. Various knits for school knitting club inspiration
  11. More socks for Michael
  12. Baby Yeti hoodie for Gabriella
  13. Socks for Isabelle
  14. Fetchings for Brigitte
  15. Scarf for Catherine
  16. Scarf for Beryl
  17. Manos del Uruguay shawl
  18. Ishbel number 2
  19. Natural Dye Studio mini-skein crochet scarf
  20. Feather and fan scarf to finish (currently hibernating)
  21. Kitty cat to finish (ditto)
  22. Wormy scarf to finish (ditto)

Phew! I'm exhausted just reading this list! You'll have to pop back soon to see how I'm getting on. I'll be posting regular updates. I'm off to snoopydog's this Tuesday so that we can both make a start on our sock yarn blankies! So that'll be one thing ticked off! Anyone care to suggest how many things I'll be able to tick off by the end of the holidays?

No knitting related photos today. Instead, a bunch of sweetpeas. They've been growing in abundance this year, and we have vases and jugs all around the house. I love them!

sweet peas


  1. That's a very impressive list josiekitten. Methinks you're going to be rather busy....... lovely to be 'knitting busy'! Some great projects lined up though. Love, love, love the sweet peas. Such a pretty little flower. Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday. X

  2. That's quite a list you have there. Having said that, I was just sitting here feeling rather lacking in the WIP department, until I remembered a couple of UFOs I've shoved to the back of the deep stash. Now I've remembered them maybe I should do something about them!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx