Sunday 4 October 2009

Blowing bubbles!

Well folks, I actually finished knitting my September socks, and we're only 4 days into October! So I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, considering that I still hadn't started them on September 20th! The pattern I used was Bubble Wrap, with an Opal Zirkus yarn. I'd seen these socks knitted up in the very same yarn on Ravelry and loved them, but I don't have that same feeling of love for mine. Don't ask me why! They have a very wintery feel to them, and will go well with my walking boots, or for slobbing round the house on cold days. I think if I made them again, I'd use a less patterned yarn, and only cast on 66 stitches rather than the 72 the pattern states. I couldn't make a matching pair, as I would have run out of yarn. There's barely enough left for a blankie square! Here they are anyway, modelled specially in front of a roaring log fire in our stove. I'm trying to resist putting the heating on for as long as possible, although we have lit the fire a couple of times already this autumn. I can't believe how quickly the nights are drawing in. It's actually less than 12 weeks now until Christmas!!! Now there's a scary thought!

September Blowing Bubbles socks 005

Here's another picture to see the pattern a bit more clearly....

September Blowing Bubbles socks 008

I've posted a couple of swap parcels this week, and am stalking the postie for mine. More details once the parcels have been received. I'm still finalising my October socks, but they will definitely be toe-up, as I'm going to be using a Koigu yarn, and I think it's quite short on yardage. I'll let you know next time. In the meantime, I still have my 'July' socks to finish, and plenty of other projects too. Have a good week!


  1. Oh my! Your log fire looks soooo warm and cosy! You don't need toasty socks too :D
    I do love those socks..... the yarn is very pretty. The pattern is lovely and is one I must have a go at too. Have a good week! XX

  2. I know what you mean about patterned yarn and patterned socks, sometimes its a waste of time as the different stitches are swallowed up by the changing colours. Your socks do look great though, very cosy, I hope you do bond with them.


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