Sunday 18 October 2009

Most fetching!

I've made a discovery this week. Knitting and a runny nose do not go well together! I've had a cold, and have not managed to get a great deal done! I did finish the hat to go with the Fetchings I made earlier in the year. I based the pattern on this one, and had to jiggle around with stitch numbers to get it to (hopefully) the right size! I made up the decreases at the crown, trying to make them fit in with the pattern as best I could. I actually like the hat a lot, and may well make one for myself at some point. Another one for the ever increasing 'to do' list! Here's how it turned out.....

Fetching hat

It's made using Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran yarn on 4mm needles, and it feels soooooo velvety. I hope that Brigitte will like the hat and mits set. We shall be seeing her next week when we spend a few days in Brittany. Talking of Brittany, I have been doing a little bit of sneaky advance planning for our holiday, and I've found a tres jolie yarn shop in Nantes. It is about an hour in the opposite direction to the way we will need to be driving, so my mission now is to convince Mr Josiekitten that Nantes is Not To Be Missed!! I will keep you informed of my progress!

I've had a lovely, totally non-knitting weekend too. Four of my old university friends came to stay. It's more than 20 years since we graduated, and we've managed to keep in touch all this time. We get together once a year, and this year it was my turn to host. We're scattered all over England, from Devon to Norfolk, so it requires some major logistics for us all to get together! We had a lovely time, catching up with news, eating far too much delicious food (I highly recommend Delia Smith's chocolate bread and butter pudding!), going for beach walks and playing all sorts of board games. We're always on the look out for a new one, and this year it was Qwirkle that kept us entertained! Mr Josiekitten spent much of the weekend outside, either digging the garden or pottering in his shed!

I'm hoping to make a start on my October socks this week. They will be coming with me to France, so with a bit of luck, I should have a finished pair to show you next time. Au revoir!


  1. That's a great hat! It will sooo soft and warm too in the gorgeous Cashmerino. Glad to hear you've had a fabulous weekend with your pals. Should set you up well for the challenges of the coming week at school. Have a good one! X

  2. I can't imagine what a none knitting weekend would be like but I expect your friends kept you fully occupied. Good luck getting to the shop in France, something really exciting about a foreign wool shop that makes buying essential.

  3. Obviously I've missed a post somewhere... when are you going to France? How long will you stay? I just returned from a week in Paris just a few short weeks ago and I'm already homesick to go again. Not that Paris is my home, but one can always wish.

    The hat looks velvety, indeed. Mmm....


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx