Sunday 24 January 2010

And the winner is ...................................

Hi there! Thanks so much to all of you who left me a message over the past week. I used a random number generator and the lucky winner was .........

And the winner is .......

........ Marie! Congratulations to you, and thanks again for all your lovely messages. The eagle eyed may have noticed 14 names in the draw. That's because Mrs Twins left me a message on Flickr, saying she'd been unable to leave a message on my blog, so I added her in too. Marie, please send me a message on Ravelry, or email me at josiekitten at hotmail dot com, and I'll get that skein of yarn in the post to you!

I've been busy all day today, marking sets of test papers, and I've hardly seen Mr JK! So please excuse the brief blog this evening. I'll be back very soon with more news and photos. In the meantime, I'll leave you with a photo of Henrycat. He's been dropping a few rather unsubtle hints about what he'd like his next blankie to be made from. See if you can guess, and I'll tell you if you're right next time. See you soon! xx

Henrycat's Silk Garden blankie (9)


  1. Ooo....mmmm...Noro? Lucky boy:-)

  2. OH dear Henry! You're turning into a cat with very expensive tastes. That must be solely down to all that over-exposure to VERY expensive yarn. I blame your Mum for that, so she can't really refuse you a lovely 'Silk Garden blankie, now can she!

  3. oh how sweet is this picture of henrycat! adorable!

  4. Yippee! Lucky me! :) Thank you Josie Kitten!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx