Wednesday 13 January 2010

One letter makes a big difference!

Hello there! I hope you're managing to keep warm during all this cold weather. Our woodburner is keeping the living room toasty warm, and so Mr Josiekitten and I are spending our evenings snuggled in there, with Henrycat of course! I had an extra day at home this week, not because of a 'snow' day, but a 'snot' day!! I woke up on Monday morning with a sore throat, and by the end of the day, I had a streaming cold. I felt so grotty on Tuesday, that I decided it would be better if I stayed home. Henrycat thought it was marvellous, and settled down with me for a duvet day! I didn't even feel much like knitting! (shock, horror!) Anyway, I was on a course today, and I'm back at school tomorrow, armed with a box of tissues and some lemsips!
Remember the 'must-do' project I told you about last time? Well, I've finished the first wrist warmer, and all being well, will get its partner done by the weekend. I love the pattern. It's called Rose's Wrist Warmers, and apparently is connected with Doctor Who, as the character Rose (played by Billie Piper I think) wore a pair like them in one episode (or maybe series - I don't know as I'm not a Doctor Who-ite!) I'm using Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK and it feels very luxurious.

cosy wrists WIP 002

I've also started a pair of socks for my friend Charlotte. I re-knitted a pair for her recently, and she loved them, so these will be for her birthday in February. Just a plain vanilla pair, in a Trekking yarn. I love the purples and blues, and am interested to see how the colours will work out.

Charlotte's birthday socks

Crochet is high on the agenda this year, so I was delighted to see that on the Phoenix Knitting Forums, there's a 'crochet-along' just starting to make an Attic24 -inspired Ripple blanket. So far, all I've done is my test piece, to check out the pattern, and I amazed myself by ending up in the right place at the right time, with the right number of stitches!

Ripple practise 1 001

I'm going to use some yarn that I bought in France last year. It's a mix of bamboo and wool, and feels lovely and soft. Just perfect for a blankie! I love the colours of the yarn. They remind me of the sea!

Nantes yarn haul 019

I'm off to get on with a bit of hooky business now. Pop back soon. It'll be my 100th post and there'll be something yarny on offer for one lucky reader! Byeeeee! (Atchoooooooo!!!)


  1. Your blankie yarns look lovely, fab colour choices. I'm looking forward to seeing your blankie in progress.
    Best wishes,

  2. You are busy busy with lovely things, as usual. Those wrist warmers are gorgeous!

  3. Your wristwarmers are llooking great. I love the colour and the cabling. Nice sock yarn too!!!! The more ripply pics I see, the more I want to start my blanket, but I am determined to finish my other bits and pieces. Hoping you're feeling better. Have a good weekend. xx

  4. Those wristwarmers are brilliant. I knitted them a while ago with a ball of gorgeous alpaca I'd been given. They came out a bit small but having seen yours I'm inspired to make them again.

  5. wristwarmers look fantastic and i'm excited about your blankie - how fun!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx