Sunday 3 January 2010

Whipping up a scarf

Hello there! Well, we are only 3 days into 2010, and already we've had snow. We awoke yesterday to a covering of snow, and it's been so cold since that it's still on the ground. Mr Josiekitten and I walked down to the beach for a breath of fresh air. It was gorgeous down there, walking along the snow-covered promenade, watching the seagulls.

Snowy January 2010

We stopped off for warming drinks - I had a hot chocolate and Mr JK had a whisky - before returning home. It was the perfect day for knitting, snuggled on the sofa in front of the woodburner. What to knit..........? I decided that I had to cast on the Cora scarf, using my much desired Rowan Colourscape yarn. It's a very simple cable pattern, and knitted up really quickly. Before I knew it, I'd used one skein, and I finished the scarf today. It goes really well with my gorgeous purple jacket, and I'm almost looking forward to some more cold days so that I can show it off!

Snowy days Cora scarf 002

The scarf is like one big plait of wool. The yarn is lovely, a bit Noro-esque in that you have to keep picking out little bits of stick, and you do have to be quite gentle with it, as it breaks quite easily. Having said that tho', the colours are gorgeous. Here's a closer look.

Snowy days Cora scarf 004

This scarf is actually my second finished item of 2010. You may remember I started a pair of socks for my friend Charlotte. I had hoped to finish them in 2009, to bring my sock total for the year to 24 pairs, but I didn't quite manage it, and ended up finishing them off on New Year's day. The yarn is really lovely to knit with. I don't have any in my stash at the moment, but I may well have soon!

Charlotte's perfect purple socks! 003

School starts again this week, so my knitting time will be cut dramatically. I need to sort out a project that I can carry about with me. I shall be delving into the sock yarn stash to choose some yarn. There's quite a lot of it, so I may be some time! See you soon (ish!)


  1. your mosaic of snow pictures is so lovely - i enjoyed looking at each one, but together they are even more impressive!

    the scarf is wonderful - it looks great with your jacket!

    and i love the purple socks (i have quite the soft spot for purple!!)

    i can't believe break is over either - it seems so weird that lily will be back in school tomorrow! hope your first day back goes well!!

  2. What a neat cable-y scarf! I keep hoping the weather will warm up here, but I heard a rumor that we'll be having more snow soon, too. Fiddlesticks!

  3. This weather has been great for stash busting, particularly for us as we haven't been able to get the car up the road. I'm very impressed with your sock count and the purple pair are brilliant and 2 finished items already this year, needles on fire. Have a great week, hope work goes well.

  4. Love the snow photos at the beach - never see that here. The scarf is beautiful

  5. Great mosaic Love the center shadow picture.

    Wonderful scarf and yummie colors. I sure wish I knit instead of crochet when I see beauties like this.

  6. Your photos look gorgeous and so does that Cora scarf. The colours are lovely. You've inspired me to get a move on with mine. Have a good week.

  7. your photo mosaic is just wonderful and so are your knits! what wonderfully beautiful ways to keep warm on those cold winter days!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx