Sunday 28 February 2010

A bit of oo la la!

Hello there. It's been a tad quiet on the knitting front this week. I can't remember whether or not I told you that next month I am off to France for 2 weeks! I've got a grant from the British Council to go and spend a fortnight in Toulouse. The first week I will be at the University, improving my French (my bedtime reading is currently 'GCSE French in a week'!!!), and the second week I will be working in a French school. Last week, we were hosting the French teacher, Fanny, who I'll be staying with. She was absolutely lovely, and we got on with her so well, that she has invited Mr JK over to Toulouse for the Easter weekend! "Let me sleep on it," said he, when invited. Ten minutes later, he came into the living room with a big smile on his face saying,"I can be in Toulouse just after lunch on Friday!" Needless to say, the flight was duly booked, and trips to Carcassonne and the Pyrenees are being planned. I'm so pleased that he's coming over - it will be lovely to share part of the experience with him. (He has just read this and said, "I expect I'll be bringing back some of the wool you'll be buying!") I have done a little yarn shop research, and discovered that literally 2 minutes walk away from my hotel is La Droguerie. Oh my goodness! I need to do some planning and decide what I'd like to buy before I go there, as I think once I get inside, I'll be hyperventilating!!! I just read about it on this blog here, and am very, very excited - the yarn, the buttons, the ribbons! Oh, just everything!!! And of course, it'll be very good for my French! I promise to report back and tell you all in due course. Our evenings were spent talking, cooking, going out and about, and generally having a jolly good time, so consequently, my knitting has suffered. I did manage to finish the first 'Half Century' sock, for Mr JK's cousin. I'm using the Circle sock pattern and a Trekking yarn in Monika's favourite colours.

Half century socks WIP (4)

I'm hoping to crack on with its partner this week, and also the Rainbow cardigan I showed you last time. I'm taking my spinning wheel round to Sally's on Thursday, so I may have some hand-spun yarn to show you too! Have a good week.


  1. Sounds like an exciting few weeks! I shall be expecting some fluent French on your return :) Those Circle Socks are looking gorgeous. I think it's one of my favourite sock patterns. Gorgeous colours. I'm off to check out that French wool shop now! Have a good week. XX

  2. your sock is so lovely and your trip sounds wonderful! have a fabulous time!

  3. Great trip coming up you lucky cat. I'd be inclined to spend the two weeks in that amazing yarn shop though maybe your sponsors would have something to say about that. Good luck with the spinning can't wait to see what you produce.

  4. the sock looks great!
    how wonderful to have a trip to france to look forward to!

  5. Lovely circle socks, but of course the real thrill is that you'll be going to Paris! I missed visiting La Droguerie while I was there, but did see Le Comptoire (and it wasn't all that exciting). The exchange rate made everything ridiculously expensive, so of course that was discouraging in terms of buying yarn while I was there. But I have many favorite kits and patterns at La Droguerie and will definitely stop there next time I'm in Paris. I also hear that the Bon Marche has some plentiful yarn, if you can make your way over there. I figure you can get just about anywhere in Paris with a few metro stops if you don't mind a long walk. :) Enjoy your trip!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx