Sunday 14 March 2010

Winning and losing

It's been a strange week - good and bad in parts. Bad because I've been so, so busy with school stuff that I've had virtually no time at all for knitting. It's only 2 weeks until I leave for Toulouse, so I'm trying to get assessments done and dusted before I go. Good because I found out this week that I'd won the first birthday competition of Phoenix Knitting Forums. My prize arrived on Thursday - a rather lovely skein of Violet Green Socrates Solemate in the colourway 'Philosopher's Pupil'. It's a mix of navy, indigo and blue shades, with the odd hint of a paler purple in places. I used the same yarn to knit Charlotte's purple socks, and loved how it felt, so knitting it will be a real treat. Also in the parcel was a bar of Lindt chocolate, and it was rather yummy! Yes, it's all gone - it's been that sort of week. You can't see the colours of the yarn that well in the photo, as the light wasn't great.

Phoenix birthday prize 003

I've been clearing out our little bedroom this weekend as I'm turning it into a craft room. I need to get some more plastic boxes with lids to organise my stash a little better, but it's starting to take shape. It's been fun going round the house, finding all the craft books from the numerous book shelves and putting them in one place. I didn't realise that I had quite so many!! Some were long lost friends that first inspired me to start knitting as a teenager - Kaffe Fassett, Susan Duckworth, Sasha Kagan, alongside new discoveries - the Yarn Harlot, Wendy Johnson, Debbie Abrahams. I'll show you how it looks when I have the official grand opening! Whilst sorting yarn, I came across a postal bag from Kemps. I ordered some Anchor Magicline at the start of the year, and then forgot all about it! I bought it for about 50p ball, and am hoping to crochet a couple of bags with it. I think it'll make a nice bag for the summer. One for me and maybe one as a present.

Anchor magicline

My 'half century' socks are progressing, and I will definitely have a finished pair to show you next time! I'm going to try and get a couple of other projects moving once they're done, and try to avoid the temptation of starting anything new. We shall see!!! In the meantime, with nothing else woolly to show you, I shall love you and leave you with this photo, taken in the garden today. I ooh-ed and aah-ed (a lot) and stroked and fondled! Spring is on its way!! Have a good week.

signs of spring 003


  1. Ooooo! How exciting, to be sorting out a craft room. Can't wait to see it all done. Luck you for winning the competition. What did you havr to do, I wonder? I can remember you saying how much you liked that yarn, so what a great prize. Sounds like your week at school has been not dissimilar to my own :( Hope this one's better! XX

  2. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a lovely comment.
    I love the pussy willow, Spring is here!

  3. My that sounds so grown up, a craft room, it will be lovely and I envy you sorting out your stash. Be interesting to see what you find. I looked in the garden today to see if I could cut some pussy willow for the house, of course it's nothing like out yet. Still the weather is so much better, have a great week of sun and not too much work.

  4. love the pussy willow shot - they are so lovely, i wish we had some growing in the yard here.... i'll just have to settle for gazing at your lovely photo.

  5. oooh pussy willows! i adore pussy willows! hooray spring

  6. Thank you for your kind words on my blog.
    You don't have to read Dutch, please try the google-translator in my sidebar.

    ~x~ Karin

  7. Prize winning is always delightful (and I still think fondly of the wonderful prize you sent me!).

    I am looking forward to hearing about your trip. So exciting!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx