Sunday 30 May 2010

Going back down memory lane

Hello there! I hope you're having a lovely bank holiday weekend! This is my home for the next week.......

Cornwall day 1 028

Mr JK and I are spending the week in Cornwall, in a lovely little cottage in Wadebridge. When I was a child, we holidayed in Cornwall every year, and I have lots of very happy memories of the county. This is the first time I've been back, and I'm looking forward to re-visiting some of the places I remember. We walked in to Wadebridge this morning, and I have spotted several shops that are going to need a Closer Investigation! And, I even found a yarn shop! I feel it my duty to take a further look and then report back to you all! There is an old bridge in the town that is know as the 'bridge of wool'. Legend has it that the bridge was founded in 1468 on sacks of wool!!!!!

Cornwall day 1 017

The girly socks are progressing well, thanks to a rather long journey down here yesterday. I'm just decreasing the toe, so they will soon be done. Photos next time. In the meantime, I'm planning lots of clotted cream teas, fudge and ice creams! I'll share my first with you and say bye for now! Yum yum!

Cornwall day 1 110


  1. Looks wonderful! Have a great week. Thanks for sharing your ice-cream... very kind! Ros x

  2. oh my, that cottage looks simply perfect!
    have a wonderful week!!

  3. That cottage does look lovely, hope we get to see more of it and Cornwall which is a place I've never visited. Have a sunny and relaxing week.

  4. What a cute little cottage - so different to anything that we have over here

  5. Wow it looks lovely, what a beautiful little cottage! Perfect for knitting and snuggling up I'd imagine. I've never been to Cornwall either but it does look lovely - have a wonderful time :)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx