Friday 19 November 2010

Celebrating ........ and a giveaway too!

I bought a copy of the latest edition of Yarn Forward this week ........

Love my blog (2)

turned to this section ......

Love my blog (3)

and yippety doodah!! Look what I saw!!

Love my blog (1)

I cannot tell you just how thrilled, honoured and excited I am! The magazine said such lovely things, I've been going around with a big smile on my face! I never dreamed when I started my blog that it would ever be featured in a knitting magazine! So to celebrate, I'm having a little giveway. Three lucky people will receive one of the following goodies.....

two balls of Jojoland Melody, enough to make a pair of socks or a small shawl ........

Celebratory giveaways (1)

or three balls of Regia Pompon, perfect for slouching at home winter socks ......

Celebratory giveaways (2)

or three balls of Louisa Harding Kimono, a beautifully soft angora and wool mix. There's plenty to make some snuggly accessories, such as a scarf and gloves.

Celebratory giveaways (3)

All you need to do is become a follower of my blog (if you aren't already, that is!) and leave me a message telling me about another blog that you enjoy visiting. You've got until the end of November to do so, and I'll announce the winners on December 1st. I'm more than happy to post overseas, so what are you waiting for? I look forward to reading your blog recommendations. xx


  1. Way too go, girl.. Congrats on the article and picture too.... Do you know KoraLee at

    She is wonderful and lives in Vancouver, CA. Not about yarn, but I cherish her sweet words and wonderful daily pictures. She was featured in ARTFUL BLOGGING recently. Not to miss....

    Have fun with your giveaway, it reminds me I need to do one soon, too.


  2. I've been reading your blog for ages now but I'm always too shy to leave a comment! Thrilled for you that you have been featured in such a popular magazine, it must be such a buzz to have your hard work recognised like that!

    The blog I'd like to share with you is She lives in the US and is famous for a tree-sweater! The post-before-last amused and amazed me - it's really worth a look!

  3. I rather enjoy following Susan Crowe:

    She's rather arty and while not a frequent updater, they are fun updates!

  4. Congratulations! You already follow a lot of my favourites, so I'm going to recommend Drip Drip Drop at

    (And my own blog as well of course!

    Fingers crossed…

  5. Congrats, that's awesome!
    I enjoy your blog a lot. I also enjoy reading:

  6. Congratulations!!! That's amazing! I'm sure you're very chuffed. :)

    I always like to read Kate Davies' blog

  7. Congratulations on becoming famous! You must be thrilled to be in print!

    I like to read Diane at

    not a knitting blog ... just life as it happens!
    Love Kathy xxx

  8. CONGRATULATIONS! I'll have to buy a copy now that you are famous. I enjoy visiting Anne Hanson's Knitspot! Hope you have a great weekend! Ros

  9. Oh well done - no wonder you're smiling.

    I rather like Snoopydog's blog ~ actually I feel like the both of you are pretty good friends even though I don't really know you and would pass you in the street!

    Well done again.
    Clicky Needles x

  10. Congratulations, what an honour to be in a British yarn magazine.
    I follow Lindsay is a friend of mine :-D And I follow I just love her bears.

  11. Wow, that is pretty cool. :)

    Thanks for sharing the wealth.

    It wouldn't be fair to say knitting sandwich, since that is how I found your blog.

    I like

  12. Wow, Helen, that's AMAZING! Congratulations!

    This is a blog I love, too:
    I met Monika at Ravelry and she spins wonderful yarn and her blog is always interesting!

    Have a great weekend and sleep with the magazine under your pillow :-)


  13. I loved popping in and out of your blog but have never commented...more of a voyeur/stalker than an active participant LOL. Another blog I really love is the Rainey sisters'.They are American and live on opposite coasts but meet up regularly. Their knitting is amazing but their lives are so different to ours over here in so many ways.
    Alison xxx (divadoll_1)

  14. You are becoming something of a celebrity but I'm pleased to say I knew you before you became famous. So many blogs I love it's hard to recommend just one but if you insist it might be

  15. Congrats!!!! I bet the smile is still there ☺
    While not a knitting blog as she loves to crochet, I really enjoy Karin's blog

    I believe I am a follower, but will double check that

  16. Lovely yarn shop, thanks for the giveaway and keep up the good work on your blog. x

    I love to follow blogs too, check my list on blog (my blog is very neglected so look very quickly) x

  17. How exciting to get your blog in a magazine!

    I like but feel a bit rubbish about how slowly I knit when I see the number of projects she seems to churn out!

  18. I'm also a fan of your blog, but a quiet one! Well done on the magazine feature :)

    As well as knitting I also lovvvve to bake - and judging by your latest post, so do you! I like for yummy baking ideas!

  19. congratulations! what an honor! and a well-deserved one at that!

    a blog that i very much enjoy is rachel's the times we are living.

  20. How exciting! I can't imagine my blog being featured in a magazine. It's all I can do to get anyone to read it!
    Have a look at Batilou's blog. She has the most incredible knitting output. I've seen her work in the flesh and it is quite stunning. All this while she has a busy professional life as a nurse - not to mention her three teenage boys!

  21. I don't know if anyone has recommended yet, it's a lovely blog with great photography .....

  22. Love not only the knitting, but the photos of places on your blog! If ever I get over to England and Ireland I want to visit the shops and locations you've mentioned.

    I've also enjoyed this blog: by a 20-something knitter and forensic psychologist living near Ottawa, Canada.

    Cheers and happy stitching,
    Gina C.

  23. Congratulations!

    I love reading

    it really represents New Zealand to the world

  24. Well done on being in print. I have been following your blog for a while - what a joy. I am impressed with how you get children knitting - we have tried with Girl Guides but it is always a challenge. Here is a link to a blog I visit regularly - afraid it is not knitting but it is thanks to this blog that I discovered blog land and it was only a small step from here to find knitting blogs and eventually yours.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx