Monday 20 December 2010

5 sleeps 'til Santa

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! It's freezing here! I've been out and about doing various jobs this morning, and I haven't warmed up yet! We had a few flakes of snow again last night, and the daytime temperatures are so low that the snow is refusing to melt. It hasn't got above zero here all day! I took this photo in the garden this afternoon - this little chap sits on our garden shed all year round. I love his frosted edging!

December 2010 snow (8)

I've picked up my knitting at odd moments, but have nothing completed to show you today! I'm still feeling optimistic that by Christmas Eve, I'll have five (yes, FIVE!!!!!) finished knits for your delectation and delight! I must just show you one of my latest stash acquisitions - my Secret Santa gift from school! Someone who obviously has a great sense of humour! Fancy giving me yarn in Norwich's colours when they know I'm a Portsmouth fan!! Needless to say, this is going to become a warm hat and scarf for Mr JK! On the ball, City! Keep warm! xxx

you're having a laugh!


  1. What a perfect secret Santa gift. I used to get so cross when I received a box of chocolates, ungrateful I know but I always thought it showed lack of imagination. Someone obviously knows you very well.

  2. love your frosty bird!

    and i agree with the previous commenter - how nice to get a secret santa gift tailored to you and that you'll actually use!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx