Monday 6 December 2010

A visit from St Nick

xmas stars 002

Although Mr JK grew up in the UK, both his parents were German, so his family celebrated a number of German as well as British customs around Christmas time. One of my favourites is St Nicholas. In Germany, children leave a slipper or shoe outside their bedroom door on the night of December 5th. When they awake they rush to look in their slipper, and if they have been good, they will find some sweets, fruit and a perhaps a little toy, left by St Nicholas. I suggested to Mr JK that we might celebrate St Nicholas' Day this year, and he was happy to humour me! So when we woke up this morning, we found the following gifts .........

a visit from St Nick (2)

For Mr JK, tickets to go to Carrow Road this Saturday to watch Norwich City play Portsmouth. (Clever old St Nick must have known that he had to deliver these before December 25th!!)

a visit from St Nick (3)

A book for me, to make the house a vision of gorgeousness!

Which team shall I support?

And for PD, a special supporter's scarf! Mr JK will be supporting Norwich City, and as Portsmouth is my home city, I'll be supporting Pompey! Poor PD is rather piggy in the middle, so I knitted him a dual team scarf!

a visit from St Nick (1)

I'm off to dig out my thermal long johns in readiness for the match! See you soon! xxx


Lynne said...

What lovely idea - pre-christmas pressies! I love the big star in the first photo, and I'm very jealous of your "Homemade Home" book. I LOVE that show! I'm watching Kirstie and Phil's Perfect Christmas as I type, but it's not as good. Love the wee scarfs too! Enjoy the game. :)

Anonymous said...

Thankyou! :) I love the December the 5th tradition - and am also quite envious of the Kirstie book! I didn't know there was one so am off to add it to my amazon wishlist! I love that show! It's so inspiring! Did you notice the lady in the most recent one was knitting something in a lovely bright purple? :)

Vikki xx

Kathy said...

I've always loved the story of St Nicholas - so I think your celebration is such a nice idea. Very jealous of your Kirstie book!
Love Kathy xxx

Clicky Needles said...

Have fun at the game!

snoopydogknits said...

Ha Ha! Made me smile. Come on you yellows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun XX

Janey said...

Thank you for mentioning your "thermal long johns". When I write to friends in England I have never been sure whether there is a Canadian-UK translation for "long johns" - like "boot sale" for "yard sale" or "pavement" for "sidewalk".
(My friends are in Kent, Liverpool and Hampshire.)

You must be getting our weather and we yours. Here in Nova Scotia, on the east coast of Canada, we have had over a week of rain.


Helsie said...

Lucky you, the celebrations have started already!

Jennyff said...

What a nice thing to do. I'm really enjoying the Kirstie tv programme, inspirational for us crafters though I'm not convinced that Kirstie really does that much.

melissa said...

what fun! hope you both enjoy the game

Anonymous said...

I'm a Wolves supporter, so I'll just wish you both a warm and well-fought match and side with PD.

Northern Monkey said...

I love that tradition, I studied German at school and our teacher had a little boot she filled with sweets and gave them to us in our lesson closest to 5th December. I don't believe that book fit in your boot though ;-) I was always rather amused by the idea of Knecht Ruprecht, our teacher said if you were naughty instead of sweets in your boot he'd give you a smack with his big stick!