Saturday 1 January 2011

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2011! Happy New Year to you! 2010 was a pretty good year in the josiekitten household - lots to celebrate and be thankful for. Fingers (and knitting needles!) crossed that 2011 will be just as good, if not better! I've been looking back over my knitting and crochet projects, and have picked out a project for each month.

The best of 2010

As you can see from the photo mosaic, there's not much that I'd call a really 'meaty' knit there! I've knitted (and crocheted) lots of smaller projects throughout the year - socks, scarves, baby clothes - but no garments for myself. I've also had loads of projects on the go at any one time. I think 12 was my highest! So I'm going for a different approach this year. Let me present to you my knitting resolutions for 2011. Drum roll please!

1. To knit from stash! I have a huge amount of yarn stored away in my craft room, and it needs to be used! I'm aiming to knit 100 balls from my stash during the year, and I will try my hardest not to buy any yarn until KnitNation in July. If you take a look at my stash on Ravelry, you'll see that this should be an easy job, with plenty of choice!

2. To knit some garments for myself. I currently have yarn lined up to knit Peasy, Central Park Hoodie and Coraline.

3. To have less projects on the go at any one time. I'm going to try to focus on less and get things finished quicker, rather than have projects hanging around for months (or even years!)

4. To try some different techniques. I'm keen to improve my knitting skills, and want to have a try at some colourwork, lace knitting and knitting with beads.

5. To have a go at designing. I have some ideas bubbling around in my head for a pair of socks. I need to take the plunge and start playing around!

6. To improve my spinning. My spinning wheel just celebrated its first birthday, and I have accumulated lots of gorgeous fibre, so I need to try and spin more regularly to produce some yarn that I'm really proud of, and able to knit into something useful!

Well, there you are! That's my list done. I wonder how successful I'm going to be? Have you made any knitting resolutions or set yourself any knitty challenges for 2011? Do please share them with me. Call back tomorrow and I'll show you the last knits of 2010 and the first knits of 2011. xxx


  1. What a productive year ... good luck with the plans for 2011!
    Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year!
    You are inspiring me with all these plans.I seem to be still on slow mode from Christmas but I'll try to get myself in gear. Your projects have been many and varied and there have been so many of them. Don't know how you do it and work too.
    I'll try to take a leaf out of your book for 2011.

  3. I love your collage! We had the same idea! ;-)
    I hope you can hold some of your resolutions. Can't wait to see more lace and beadwork on your blog! I have resolutions all over the year and not especially in January. I think 2011 is going to be a very productive year.
    Yours, Julia

  4. You have knit some lovely things this year, I've been mostly knitting accessories and baby things as well, I think the quote "instant gratification is not soon enough" about sums me up and leads to me knitting lots of small projects so I have lots of finished things but now I want garments!

    I think not buying yarn until Knit Nation would do me good as well, I didn't go last year but I intend to go this year.

    Good luck with your goals and I hope 2011 is wonderful.
    Laura xx

  5. love getting to revisit some of your projects from last year! you make me want to knit with more brightly colored yarns!!
    maybe that should be *my* knitterly resolution!

    happy new year to you!!

  6. 1,2 & 3 could apply to me too!

    But really - call that a stash??!!
    You have nothing to worry about compared to mine. I gave myself a good scare by looking at it recently :-o

    Happy New Year's knitting

  7. Hello there! You made some really items in 2010. Just love the colours and vibrancy of your projects. Looking forward to seeing your 2011 work!! Ros


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx