Monday 3 January 2011

Off with the old and on with the new!

Hello again! Time for a quick round up of projects that got finished at the end of last year! I set myself the crazy target of five finished items by Christmas Eve! You'd have thought that I'd have learnt from the previous year's experience, wouldn't you?! I imagine that I'm going to have all this free knitting time, when actually, preparations for Christmas take far longer! Never mind, I'll try to be better organised next Christmas so that I don't have so many bits to finish at the last minute!
First off the needles were Michael's stripy socks, made with Regia yarn and the Violet Green sock generator pattern. He uses them as bed socks, and must have the brightest toes in North Norfolk!

more colourful socks for Michael (1)

I finished my purply ruffles spiral scarf, knitted using the Koigu yarn that Erin kindly gave me at KnitNation last summer. I learnt how to knit backwards using this video, and it really speeded things up, knitting all those short rows. I shall definitely do that when I knit my 10 stitch blanket, so that I don't spend lots of time turning the needles back and forth.

purple ruffles (1)

I finished knitting Sheepish, the lovely little baby cardigan that I won from Yarn on the House. I'm really pleased with how the finished garment looks. It was fun to knit, and I just love the little sheep buttons! It's going to be winging its way up to Sophie this week.

Sheepish (6)

Here's a closer look at those buttons!

Sheepish (9)

I also knitted a little hat for PD, using some leftover sock yarn. He looks very cute in it!

PD's Christmas hat! (1)

My Innocent Smoothie hats of the week for weeks 8 and 9 both have a festive feel to them. Betty is sporting a Santa hat, while Belinda shows us what Santa wears off-duty!

Innocent Smoothie hats of the week 8 and 9

I was in a ruthless mood last week, tidying up my craft room. There were some projects that hadn't been touched all year, so they were frogged! I have just one project in hibernation - my crocheted summer stripy bag - it's all done bar the lining. So time for some new projects!

I cast on Peasy, and have just started the vine pattern on the yoke. It's knitted all in one, top down. The yarn is a bluey-grey colour - the light was terrible for the photos!

Peasy WIP (2)

I've also cast on a pair of socks as my portable project. This pair are for Charlotte, using the Circles pattern. It works well with this Regia Deign Line yarn. I've barely started them!

Birthday Circles WIP (2)

My third project is a test knit for Lily France. She's just designed a gorgeous hat, and was looking for test knitters. I volunteered, and got the pattern yesterday. I'm using Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK (from my stash!), and have only done the ribbing so far. I hope to have more to show you next week.

Kirkstone WIP (1)

As well as these three new projects, I've got my 10 stitch Silk Garden blanket, my sock yarn blanket and my Innocent Smoothie hats on the go from last year. Hopefully the blankets will get more of a look-in this year! I'm hoping that my desire for instant gratification will be satisified with the socks and blankets, while I push on with the bigger knits. Will it work? There's only one way to find out! Keep on calling in - you can be sure that I'll let you know! Have a good week! xx


Lyn said...

Happy New Year!
lovely hats and the sheep cardie is so cute!

melissa said...

sophie is going to look adorable in sheepish!! it turned out perfectly.
love all the other fo's too - especially the socks, i love the brightest bedsock comment, too funny!!

Denise said...

Goodness, you've got a lot of knitting going :) I love the little sheep sweater and the doggy hat is so cute :) I'm still trudging along with Juliet Scarf so I'll have to take a wip photo or I won't be able to blog for a while!

Helsie said...

As usual I'm amazed by the amount of stuff you churn out. It all looks lovely to me and makes me wish for cold weather here. We really don't have any use for woolly jumpers and scarves etc.

Anonymous said...

Hello Josie! Happy New Year! You have made so much lovely knittings! I love the sheepish jacket, scarf and and and...!
Your new sofas look really fantastic, I like that brown natural colour!
Best wishes from Teje

Northern Monkey said...

Oooh that sheepish cardigan is just lovely, I hope we get a picture of it being modelled in Snoopydog's blog.

I really want to knit a Peasy, I love Felted Tweed and have seen some gorgeous versions of that pattern BUT I'm not allowed to even buy the pattern until I've knit some cardigans using my stashed yarn and I don't have any jumper quantities of DK in my stash so Peasy really will just have to wait, I can't wait to see yours though!

Hope you have a good week
Laura x

snoopydogknits said...

I love all these projects, especially Sheepish. It's turned out brilliantly! Love the pretty socks and twirly scarf too. Have a good first week back at school. Ros

Lynne said...

What lovely projects! I love the Sheepish cardigan and spiral scarf, and I've very tempted by the Circle socks...

Anonymous said...

I have a pair of socks in the same yarn that PD is wearing! love the new projects.

Happy New Year!