Tuesday 29 March 2011

Skill + 1UP 2KCBWDAY2


Look back over your last year of projects and compare where you are in terms of skill and knowledge of your craft to this time last year. Have you learned any new skills or even forms of knitting/crochet that you didn't even know existed last year? Have you recently put a foot in the tiled world of entrelac? Had you even picked up a pair of knitting needles or crochet hook this time last year?

Each year, I try to set myself some knitting resolutions. This year has been no exception. For Christmas in 2009, I was lucky enough to get a spinning wheel. Thus began a new stash - fibre! But did I start spinning the fibre? No! Why not? I was scared! I knew exactly how I wanted my spun yarn to look, and I was scared that I was going to fail! Luckily for me, my Ravelry and Blog friend Julia was so encouraging, that I finally took the plunge, almost one whole year after getting the spinning wheel. Yes, my first yarn was definitely an art-yarn, but it was knittable! And since then, there's been no stopping me! I went away on a spinning weekend, where I learned the art of corespinning, batt making, Navajo plying, adding beads and sequins to spun yarn, and my confidence has grown and grown! In a short space of time, I've moved from this ....

3rd try

to this .......

Pink Lady Apple handspun 009

I know that I've still got a long way to go as a spinner, but I've made giant steps too!

Besides spinning, I've learned another new skill - knitting backwards! I was knitting a spiral scarf that had lots of short rows. It was driving me nuts having to constantly turn the knitting back and forth every few stitches. There had to be a better way! So I Googled 'knitting backwards', found this link, and the rest of the scarf was knitted in no time at all! Here's how the scarf ended up.

purple ruffles (1)

For the past couple of years, I've had knitting with beads on my 'to do' list. Perhaps this will be the year when I get it sorted?! I've been accumulating beads (as you do!) for sometime, so I'll have plenty of choice. Who knows, maybe this time next year, I'll be showing you some beautifully beaded, handspun lace shawl?!


  1. I want to try spinning it seems like it could be fun.

  2. What a difference in your spinning! Great job.

  3. Look at yourself, Helen! What a progress! Great to have you as a knitting and spinning pal!
    Yours, Julia

  4. I love the knitting backwards link, thanks for sharing it.

  5. Wow! Very impressive! I love your handspun yarn, I started spinning recently, but I'm not nearly as good!

    And knitting backwards, I've wanted to try that, there are some patterns I want to knit, where it would be very useful!

  6. Knitting backwards? Sheesh, I'm still learning (really, at least that's how it feels to me) how to knit forwards. :)

    Good on you.

  7. Wow! Your progress is great! :)

  8. Knitting Backwards.......... I bow at your feet Ms. Knitter! :)

  9. Your spinning is looking great. I'd like to try knitting with beads as well, it looks so pretty.

  10. Whoa, that's awesome! Spinning is a huge dream. Ah, to add to the stash. (I'd have to build another room because we already have two spare storage places just for our accumulations of STUFF.

    I'd say that's terrific progress. Well done, you!

    (thanks for dropping by!)

  11. I will heart you forever for the knitting backwards link!

  12. Your spinning looks so awesome! I love the colors in that skein.

  13. Great to see how you have progressed with the spinning. Leah x

  14. I tried spinning too, but it was such a humbling experience that I abandoned it.

    I'm always envious of those who persevere and end up with lovely handspun like yours.

    Great progress..

  15. Your handspun yarn is so pretty. The difference between the two yarns is amazing. Knitting backwards looks like so much fun. Thanks for the link. And you should totally give bead knitting a try. Be forewarned that it's very addictive.

  16. okay you had me at knit b ackwards! I must learn

  17. What progress! Your handspun looks squishy and gorgeous.

  18. Thanks for the link! I might try backwards knitting next.

  19. Yesssss, knitting backwards is fantastic. And purling backwards makes garter stitch! High five!

  20. I'm terrified to try spinning - not because it looks scary, but because it looks too much fun! Everyone seems to get hooked on it and I really don't have the space for a wheel (but I know I'll want one the second I try it!)

  21. Knitting backwards rocks. I knit a lot of entrelac, and it has saved me a lot of time!

    Beads are fun. I like to put them in as I go, rather than pre-stringing them.

  22. Love your handspun and the scarf - so colourful! I too am yet to do any beaded knitting... one day :)

  23. oh what a sweet little scarf!


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