Friday 1 April 2011

And now for something completely different - 2KCBWDAY5


This is an experimental blogging day to try to push your creativity in blogging to the same level that you perhaps push your creativity in the items you create. There are no rules of a topic to blog about but this post should look at a different way to present content on your blog.

The Ballad of old Knitwear

(To be sung to the tune of 'When I'm Sixty-Four', with apologies to The Beatles!)

When I get older, losing my shape

Many years from now

Will you still be wearing me the way that you do

Pilled and felted, wearing thin too?

Will all the love that you put into me

Still be in your heart

Will you still need me, will you still love me

Though I'm falling apart?

When all the new things you knit are so cool

Will I be cast aside?

Will you still wear me, love me and care for me

Or will I have to hide?

sock casualty 001


  1. Aww how lovely

  2. Ha! Love it :)

    Poor sock. I try and catch them before they get to that stage, but I've had a couple sneak up on me...

  3. Oh I loved this post- I was almost singing along :D

  4. I sang that out loud :) Great one! Now, go give that sock the love it deserves and find your darning needle!

  5. Awesome song, I love it! Old friends are often still the best friends, right?

  6. A sock love song, brilliant. It's quite heartbreaking when they wear out. I recently darned a pair (in a completely different colour)to keep them going a bit longer, so far so good, I'm glad I made the effort.

  7. I'm years late to the party, but have to say that I sang along with that and am still chuckling! You are so creative in so many ways! =)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx