Wednesday 27 April 2011


A quick mid-week post this evening, as I shall be unable to blog on Sunday. Mr JK and I are escaping the wedding frenzy and heading off to Germany after work tomorrow, to stay with Mr JK's uncle and aunt. I quite like these 3 day weeks!

I've done a little more spinning over Easter. I spun up some superwash sparkly BFL from FeltStudioUK. It was lovely to spin. I haven't got enough yardage for socks, but hopefully some fingerless mittens! We shall see.

pansies handspun

The colours are so pretty - they remind me of pansies. Our winter hanging baskets are still full of blooms, as you can see.

pansies handspun 013

I'd love to be able to tell you that my Spriteling shawl is coming along nicely, but alas, all is not well! I was two rows from completing clue 1 when I discovered an extra stitch. So I frogged it back to row 50. I managed to make the same mistake a second time (I've checked for errata and there aren't any for this row, so it must be me!), and frogged back to row 40! So I'm making very s l o w progress. Clue 3 comes out tomorrow, but I'm not going to really be able to get stuck into it until half term. I've found that I need complete silence to knit lace. I talk to myself, chanting the stitch patterns out loud, and must look completely mad to onlookers!! To cheer myself up, I've cast on for another Ishbel using my own handspun yarn. The colour changes look lovely, and I should be able to knit the stocking stitch part at the very least without major mishaps! Photos on my return. So, I must leave you now, and get my bags packed for my getaway. Fingers crossed the cases arrive safely this time! See you next week! xxx


  1. That looks so beautiful purple and old gold always look so special

  2. Your right the yarn is like the pansies -lovely happy colours.

    Looking forward to seeing the shawl knitted up in your yarn the blue colour is very vibrant.

    Enjoy your break.
    Leah x

  3. Like the spinning!!!!!! Gorgeous colours! Hope you have a lovely time this weekend. x Ros

  4. Have a wonderful time in Germany. We're going to do our best to avoid it all too. I don't mind the wedding at all, it's all the hype that goes with

  5. Just love the Pansy colour way of your yarn it is so pretty!

  6. Oohh!! Yarn in flowers, you could start a new trend!! That yarn is gorgeous, the colours are fab. Sorry to hear about the shawl, I'd have had it in the naughty corner ages ago. :)

  7. That yarn totally looks like pansies. Good luck with the shawl.

  8. love the pansy yarn!

    too too bad about the shawl, i am impressed with your perseverance.

    have fun in germany!

  9. Beautiful spinning, and I love the colours - especially the shot with the pansies :)

    You'll get there with the lace - I had to do it in silence to start with, but now I can manage an audiobook at least, and the tv if the yarn isn't too thin. I still count all the time though...

    Have a great time in Germany!

  10. How frustrating that the spriteling is being so naughty, I do hope it goes a bit smoother next time you tackle it. Meantime console yourself with that gorgeous handspun and the prospect of time away. Have a great trip, I'll keep my eye on the happy couple for you.

  11. Your spinning looks amazing, I love the colors it's a gorgeous yarn for spring.

  12. I just came over to say thank you for your message about Archie, and to say how sorry I am about your beautiful Henry - I looked for his pictures and he certainly had the most wonderful grey velvety fur, especially those paws. We couldn't bear an empty house and have rescued two boys from the local RSPCA, but I still miss Archie every day. Hope you have had a good time away xx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx