Thursday 14 April 2011

A Thursday Tah-Dah!!

Hello there, me again! I don't often get the chance to chat to you in the week, so I'm making the most of my Easter holiday 'free' time! I've just finished knitting the sweetest little cardigan. It's from Never Not Knitting. I wanted a pattern to use up my handspun, and a Ravelry search lead me to this pretty cardigan. My yarn was slightly thinner than the recommended yarn, but I swatched, and decided to stick with the original needle size, as the knitted fabric, although a little looser than it should have been, draped really nicely. Having read what other Ravelers said, I decided to knit a 3 stitch garter border at either end of the cardigan, to stop the edges from curling in. I also knit more stripes to make it longer. I teamed my handspun with some dark bluey-purple Debbie Bliss Cashmerino DK, to alternate with the stripes of handspun. I really like the rainbow effect of the stripes, don't you?

chloe  cardigan for Ida 001

It's knitted all in one, from the top, and the sleeves are put onto spare yarn to carry on knitting down the body, so there's no seaming, and very little finishing off! Perfect! It's fastened with two buttons and loops. Snoopydog and I had a good rummage through my button tin on Tuesday and picked out a few possibles. Eventually I settled on one green and one yellow to pick out the colours of the stripes at the top.

chloe  cardigan for Ida 005

The back is pretty too, with its frilled edge. I can see me knitting this again, it's such a lovely design.

chloe  cardigan for Ida 007

I'm going to go and dig out the pattern for the Spriteling KAL now. I've changed my mind about the yarn I'm using, and haven't even started clue 1 yet. Clue 2 is released tomorrow, so I've got some serious catching up to do! Bye for now! xx


  1. Cute! I think it looks even nicer a bit longer. I think maybe Rose will need another cardigan soon..! ;-)

  2. That's really pretty, love how well it shows off your yarn :)

  3. Very cute! I'll take two please.

  4. It's gorgeous! Love the colours and the little frill. I think Sophie definitely needs on! xxRos

  5. It looks really nice very pretty indeed!

  6. That looks fab! And it shows off your lovely handspun perfectly :)

  7. this is gorgeous.
    seriously, i am loving every single stitch. wonderful wonderful work my friend!

  8. Well that was quick and very lovely too. I think Debbie Bliss should be honoured that her yarn was selected to complement your handspun.

  9. Cute the stripes as you know lol

    Thanks for the Jane Ray suggestion..l've had the Angel picture so many, many years l just can't remember anything about it..similar to her work l agree but still don't know
    But thanks for trying to help solve the problem
    Hugs Suz x

  10. Such a sweetie little cardi, love the little ruffle


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