Friday 8 April 2011

What a hoot!

Hello there! A quick post to celebrate the end of term and the start of the school Easter holidays! It's been a long old term, and I've felt extremely tired for the past couple of weeks. Stretching ahead of me are two weeks of relaxation. I can't wait. I have several knitting and spinning projects planned, but am just looking forward to some totally self-indulgent 'me' time! We aren't going away, but have the odd day out planned. Tomorrow Mr JK and I are taking the train down to London. Fingers crossed that the weather stays as gorgeous as it is now - blue skies and plenty of sunshine!

My knitting club at school held the last session of the term today, and I'm pleased to say that the last of the little owls was finished, and all are ready to fly off to their new homes. The project took longer than I'd planned, partly because of the number of children (21) and only me there to help them, and also the shortness of our lunch time. We only have 45 minutes, so the children have to eat lunch in that time as well as knit! But all of them stuck at it, and the final wing was sewn on today. So with a great ta-dah, here they are in all their glory!!

knitting club owls

I feel quite proud of the children that they have all managed to achieve something, and I hope that I may have inspired some of them to become our next generation of knitters! I still have the first thing I knitted many years ago - a little yellow and green scarf for my teddy. I wonder how many of these little owls will be around in 30 to 40 years time?! Do you still have something you knitted when you were little? I'd love to know what it is! Bye for now! xx


  1. looks so great, I cant remember the first thing I knitted. I can remember some of the things I started but my mum finished off for me! so good to get the little one's young, you cant forget how to knit!

  2. They are way too cute! I want them all.

  3. Your owls are wonderful ... well done for teaching such a large group, and in your lunch break too! We have 50 minutes... by the time you've marked a few books and been to the loo there's hardly time to eat.
    Enjoy your two weeks rest!

  4. Wonderful display of owls (a parliament of owls I believe). They look fantastic.

  5. They're all great!! Well done to you and all the children!

    I have a case that I knitted for my grandad's spectacles - a rectangle in mint green and baby pink acrylic. He used it right up till he died, and it was the only thing I wanted of his. It brings back nice memories :)

  6. Well done! The kids all did a fantastic job with their owls. The first thing I knit as a kid was an orange and purple potholder. I still have it in my kitchen drawer.

  7. Wow! I love them all. Well done for being so generous with your time and inspiring the kids like this.

  8. They are fabulous ! I want to teach my little girl to knit as soon as she is old enough ( she's only 3 ). The first thing I remember knitting was a little red coat for a my little pony toy I had called blossom. It had a few holes in it and I really don't know what happened to it. My gran taught me to knit and I think it's very important to pass this skill down to the next generation. Leah x

  9. I love all those little owls. I am very glad you take so much effort to teach knitting to children.
    Have a wonderful Sunday!
    Yours, Julia

  10. oh my goodness!!!! i love them all!!

  11. You and the children should be supremely proud of yourselves. Glad to know their are newbies who just might become as addicted as you :-)

  12. Oh, they're so cute :) I recently made a little owl of my own, blogged here

    They're a pretty fun little project, but then I'm a big kid myself!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx