Sunday 3 April 2011

Your knitting and crochet time - 2KCBWDAY7


Write about your typical crafting time. When it is that you are likely to craft - alone or in more social environments, when watching TV or whilst taking bus journeys. What items do you like to surround yourself with whilst you twirl your hook like a majorette's baton or work those needles like a skilled set of samurai swords. Do you always have snacks to hand, or are you a strictly 'no crumbs near my yarn!' kind of knitter?

I always carry knitting around with me. I'd hate to get caught out and miss an opportunity to knit! My handbag has my latest sock project in it, or if it's a more complicated sock, I usually have a 'plain vanilla' pair on the go too for someone else. I will knit anywhere, and ignore any 'looks' that might get thrown my way! Generally, when Mr JK and I are out and about, he does the driving, so knitting always accompanies me on car journeys. I've even pinched the clip-on light from Mr JK's music stand, so that I can knit in the dark whilst in the car!! There's dedication for you! If it's a pattern that I need to concentrate on, I prefer it to be quiet. Otherwise the radio is generally on (or occasionally the TV, though neither of us is a great TV watcher), or when I'm spinning, it's Classic FM. It's soothing and rhythmical, perfect for treadling! A mug of steaming hot Yorkshire tea is also there, a mini bar of Green and Black's chocolate (butterscotch and ginger are my favourites!) and until recently, a furry being snuggled up close (sometimes too close!). I'm missing that big time.

henrycat helps knit 004

When I'm at knitting group, I tend to knit something more straightforward, so I can chat, drink tea and eat cake! I don't normally knit before work, unless I've got loads of spare time (pretty unusual!) or I've got a stressy day ahead and need to relax. But it is almost unheard of for a whole day to pass with no knitting time at all, even if I only manage a couple of rows. I can't imagine not knitting. What did I do with my time, back in the days when I didn't knit, I wonder?

This is my last post in the 2nd annual Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, so normal posting will resume after today. It's been great fun, thinking about specifics to do with knitting, and also visiting a whole load of new blogs. Big thanks to Eskimi for organising the whole thing.


  1. What a cute cat he looks like a cat I had when I was little. His name was sammy and he was really affectionate too

  2. lovely post, you sound like a dedicated sock knitter. I like to knit to a r4 play myself, though I would listen to classic fm more if my radio was easier to tune

  3. I love knitting out and about, I find it really calming though despite nearly 3 years of retirement have yet to come to terms with knitting in the daytime at home. Gorgeous photo, you must miss him.

  4. I'm always thinking of the next project to do - your cat is beautiful by the way . Leah x

  5. Oh, your cat was a beauty! I'm sorry he's no longer around. George Bailey and I have worked an around for the lap issue when I craft: he gets on the back of the couch or chair and puts his head and paws on my shoulder. Serious endearment going on. :)

    I'm also with you on the music - classical is good; jazz and rock even better.

  6. Hello there, just been busy catching up on the weekday posts that I missed. You've had a very busy, 'bloggy' week! I've decided to cast the shawl on next week too, after a failed attempt this morning!!!!! Have a good last week. Rosx

  7. You're so good to always carry knitting wherever you go. Your cat looks like it's in total heaven there in your arms while you knit.

  8. I wish my cat would sit there with me, instead she attacks the yarn and makes it impossible to work. Cute cute cute :)

  9. Wow, I salute you! I wish I had your knitting dedication. I don't generally carry knitting around with me when I go out and I have tried knitting in the car but my O/H tends to drive quite fast and I find my stitches practically flying off the needles. I do manage to knit everyday though, which I'm quite proud of, even if it's just for half an hour or so. Have a good week x

  10. Cute cat! I agree - it's good to have a 'to go' project. :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  11. And I thought it was difficult to knit with kids around! At least my kids don't try to balance on my arms :) Your kitty looked quite content. You must miss him.

  12. oh, that is just like pip and me. he's such a helper.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx