Saturday 18 June 2011

And the winner is ..........

..... commenter number 24!

winner! 001

Congratulations to Jen! Please get in touch with me on Ravelry, and I'll post your skein of yarn to you. Thank you all for your comments and yarn recommendations - I do hope that I'll be able to find a few of them at Knit Nation (only 27 days to wait now!!) I'll be back tomorrow with some knitting to show you! Fancy that! Knitted items on a knitting blog! Whatever next!!! xxx


  1. Hi Helen, I just admired all the lovely blog post I missed! You must have had a wonderful time in Cornwall, I love your landscape pics. Looking forward to read your blog again!
    Yours, Julia

  2. Hooray - I always love trying new yarns and the name of this one is perfect as I live by the sea


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx