Tuesday 7 June 2011

Summer in a vase ......... and on a plate!

Just had to share these photos with you! Both of them scream 'it's summer!!!!' to me. Mr JK picked these sweet peas yesterday evening - such beautiful colours and a scent to die for! They have to be one of my favourite flowers.

summer in a vase (4)

Also, this little lot was waiting for us when we got back from Cornwall at the weekend. We ate the strawberries with some Cornish ice cream (mmmmmmmmmmm!), and the veggies with our supper! It's such fun waiting for Mr JK to come in each evening with the day's harvest! I wonder what's on the menu tonight?! Byeeeee! xxx

Cornwall May 2011 274


  1. Oooh yum! Those veggies look amazing. I wish I had a green thumb, I've attempted veggie growing in the past but I'm rubbish. The only thing I was successful with was some tomatoes my mum's friend started off for me, everything else has been rubbish!

  2. All delicious, I am now furious that everything up here is so much later. So far I have picked/harvested nothing.

  3. Sorry but there's NO WAY that I'd have delivered 5 raspberries !!!! They certainly would never have made it in to you. What a treasure your hubby must be to leave them for you.

  4. Oh my goodness! Your garden harvest looks gorgeous! My sweet peas here in Denver are just green babies now. They DO smell wonderful don't they?

  5. Sweet peas are my favourite fragrant flowers, and as a watercolourist I really appreciate those beautiful colours. Of course it is winter here in Sydney now so lovely to see some summer colour from the UK.


  6. LOvely, lovely! Well done Mr JK! I love sweetpeas too. The scent is glorious. Rosx

  7. Oh, I love sweet peas... We had them in my garden when I was really little and the smell always takes me back :)

  8. love the pictures - happy summer!!
    lily just finished school yesterday so we are officially on summer vacation over here!!



Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx