Sunday 7 August 2011

Cat news

We have some progress! I took this photo today! Elsie has emerged from underneath her chair and has taken up residence on top. She is still extremely wary of us, but she has stayed on the chair as we have come in and out of the room.

Elsie and Flo Aug 7th 2011 007

She has also played with us a little bit, grabbing at a fleecy string. (This was Henrycat's favourite toy, and Elsie and Flo seem to have taken a shine to it too!) The next breakthrough will be when she actually comes to us for a fuss.

Elsie and Flo Aug 7th 2011 014

Florence on the other hand is one extremely chilled out little cat! She has settled down so well, and is very relaxed around us already.

Flo Aug 2011 (1)

I'll be back very soon with an update on all my holiday knitting so far. There has been plenty, but the new arrivals seem to have taken precedence over yarny news. I'm on 'postie-stalking' duty too, as the first parcel from the Fall in Full Color club is due any day now. What excitement! See you very soon! xxx


  1. You are so making me think we need another cat.We have had two and both lived to be 17.Oscar,our second one,died two years ago and I resisted getting another one as we go away a lot.However my OH's health is raising questions about whether we should be going to "alien" places(he has no spleen).I have been on the local cat rescue site and am really thinking of going for it.Your two are lovely but will they interfere with the knitting.No cat can resist a ball of wool!!keep the photos coming.

  2. So good to see them settling in. Elsie must be feeling much braver now!

  3. Oh my goodness! They're so lovely on their chairs, with their blankies! When they look that angelic, we tend to forget what wee devils they can be sometimes! Lol!!

    They sound very like my two when we first got them. Valentine was chilled from the start, but Luke was very shy. I think it was about a month before I even stroked him. Four years later, and Luke rules the roost. He batters the bedroom door in the mornings demaining his breakfast, then dances aroung my feet trying to trip me up!

    Elsie will be grand, she'll settle in in no time at all. :)

  4. So glad to hear there is progress. They look so adorable. Will catch up again later in the week. XXRos

  5. Good luck with Elsie - I've had Min for seven years, since she was eight weeks old, and she only comes to me for a fuss first thing in the morning, and that's only in the last year. She's happy for me to stroke her, these days, but even that took a few years...

  6. yay! i'm glad she's coming out and starting to be more comfortable in her new home.



Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx