Sunday 21 August 2011

Dabbling with dyes

Hello there! A quick post to share with you my first efforts at dyeing. When I was at Knit Nation, I watched Helen Deighan demonstrating how to dye yarn using the microwave. It looked so straightforward, that snoopydog and I both decided we'd buy some dyes and give it a go. The first difficult decision came in choosing what colours to go for. Helen had helpfully made up a huge swatch to show the effect of mixing two colours together. Basically, if you take a swatch from the top (or bottom) and one from the side, where they meet shows the colours you'll get.

Knit Nation 2011 187

I chose plum, stone, autumn sky, sage and turmeric. It really was very easy to do, and no mess either, which can't be bad. I'd actually put on my scruffiest clothes that day and was dreading someone coming to the door!! I dyed one skein using autumn sky and sage, and the second using plum and stone. Here are the results! Ta-dah!!!!!!!

chocolate cherries and lagoon hand dyed

The bluey-green one I've called Lagoon and the plum and brown one is Chocolate Cherries. I think they look quite nice, of course the proof of the pudding will be the eating, or in this case, the knitting. They might pool terribly! We shall see! I have some other dyes that I'll have a little play around with this week. I'll be back tomorrow to show you some spinning! Bye! xxx


  1. Well done you.I love the colour combinations.can't wait to see them knitted up.

  2. Oooh gorgeous. I have some undyed laceweight but have never built up the nerve to attempt to dye it, perhaps I should give it a go.

  3. Wow! That's brilliant, and you picked lovely colours. Did you take any "in progress" photos, because I'd love to see the process in action.

  4. Hello there! Your dyeing looks fabulous. I love them both! RosX

  5. Love both of the dyed yarn and can't wait to see how it translates when knitted

  6. They look gorgeous :) Love the names too!

  7. Helen, you rock! Knitting, spinning, dyeing!!! Oh my! You do beautiful work. Love these skeins.

  8. Love both colours you've created. Well done!

  9. I absolutely love your colours! They look gorgeous!

  10. what fun!
    your color combos came out gorgeously!



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