Saturday 8 October 2011

Come on baby light my fire!

What a difference a week makes! Last week it was ice cream at the seaside. This week it's socks on and fire lit! Florence was most curious.
Flo gets cosy 011

It was the first time the fire had been lit since she came to live with us.
She gradually moved closer ......

Flo gets cosy 007

and closer.......
Flo gets cosy 016

until it got too hot for  pussycats, and she had to retreat, but just a little.....
Flo gets cosy 018

until evenutally she decided it was better too keep an eye on it from the relative coolness of her basket!
Flo gets cosy 021

I think she believes it's all just for her!!


  1. Of course she does. She rules the house..... and the street.....and the city.....and she doesn't really care about the rest. We're allowed that.

  2. She is adorable and looks just like our Minxy. xx

  3. Ooooh, she's just too cute. I can look at kitty posts all day long. Love that she's settling in so well.

  4. She looks as though she has been with you for years and looks so contented.

  5. all cats are heat monsters and a cat by the fire makes a home

  6. It probably was !!! What a lovely cosy fire it is too.

  7. She's a cat, of course it was for her! Love the pics!

  8. What lovely photos! Florence is very sensible to keep her distance! Mr BB's Grandad had a dog called Dingo who lay so close to the fire, his whiskers were singed. I haven't had my fire lit yet because I must get the chimney swept.

  9. What a lovely set of pictures. She looks quite at home, doesn't she!

  10. isn't everything in the world actually done for the cats? i'm pretty sure that's what i heard.
    (the fact that i heard it from pippin shouldn't make it any less valid)



Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx