Sunday 16 October 2011

A week of knitting WIPs

The knitting needles have been working overtime this week (or at least that's how it feels!) and I have a plethora of projects to show you, sadly none yet finished! I seem to have slipped back into my old ways and the number of WIPs is mounting. I was doing so well too, being loyal to just one or two projects! Where to begin? Well, let's start off with a look at the Rene sweater. I've just cast off for the armholes on the back, so am hoping that as the rows get shorter, I'll be able to finish this. Then in theory, the sleeves shouldn't take long, nor the fronts (I think that I'm pretty much decided on a cardigan rather than a jumper now) so I might actually be able to get it finished this side of Christmas!
Rene WIP (3)

It's knitted in Cascade220 yarn and is knitting up nice and dense. It should be a super-snug, cosy sweater once it's all done.
I finally made a start on the September clubhouse yarn. I have to say that the colours don't especially grab me, but having seen Snoopydog's Miss Doolittle, I decided to be a copycat, and knit one for myself. I do love scarves, so I'm sure it won't go to waste. Infact, the children were drawing little pictures of me to go onto a school teatowel the other week, and I was wearing a scarf in most of their drawings! So far, I've knit the first half, and am ready to start the second. I'm knitting the narrower version, but am going for extra length. I'm pleased that I've finally cast the yarn on, as I was feeling a bit of a clubhouse failure for not knitting it!
Miss Hazeline WIP (1)

I currently have two pairs of socks on the go. The first is my final plain vanilla pair for one of my Uni friends. I'm knitting it with Wendy Happy yarn, which is 100% bamboo. I've not used it before, but had to find a sock yarn with no wool in it whatsoever! I hope that it's going to hold its shape ok. I'm knitting a ribbed sock to try to help with the elasticity. I have until the first weekend in November to get it finished, as that's when we are getting together.
plain vanilla sock 4 WIP (1)

My second sock is from Knitspot - it's the Fishbone Gansey sock. I'm using a skein of Woolen Rabbit yarn that Kim sent to me. I dithered about deciding what to knit - first it was a shawl, then a scarf, but I finally settled on socks. The gansey pattern isn't popping out quite as much as I had hoped for, but the yarn feels just delicious. These are going to be 'stay at home and curl up in front of the fire' kind of socks! Very pampered tootsies!
Fishbone Gansey sock WIP (1)

I've also been doing some spinning. I've been working on some BFL fibre from Alchemy Fibre Arts for the last couple of weeks now. The single is sat waiting to be plied, but I haven't had a chance yet to do any more. I'm going to Navajo-ply it to keep the longer colour runs I think.
Alchemy fibre Arts BFL single 002
Yesterday I went down to London for Alice Yu's book launch at Loop. I test knit one of the designs way back. The shop was buzzing with knitters who had come to see Alice and say goodbye to her (she is off to Hong Kong today!), buy the book and some yarn to knit the socks with, and catch up with friends (and eat cake too, of course!)
Socktopus book launch 013

There was a mini-get together of clubhouse knitters, all sporting their September/October projects too! Here are Gina and Janet showing off their Hazeline and Longshadows.

Socktopus book launch 002  

All the socks from the book were on display, along with far too many tempting skeins of Alice's Sokkusu sock yarn.

Socktopus book launch 019

I do quite like these plastic feet - excellent for sock modelling! I wonder what on earth you need to google in order to track one down?!
Socktopus book launch 018

There were so many lovely colourways, it was very hard  to choose.
Socktopus book launch 020

I had a good rummage amongst the skeins of yarn, and tried to show some restraint! I eventually chose one skein of yarn, along with a copy of Alice's book, which she was kind enough to sign for me.

I did buy some more yarn, some Malabrigo Worsted weight, to knit Mr JK a Norwich City hat and scarf. All the merchandise from the Supporters' shop is acrylic and guaranteed to give you an electric shock on contact! I'm planning on knitting Jared Flood's Turn a Square hat. In case you don't know the colours that the Canaries play in, here's the yarn. The green isn't quite bright enough, but it will be fine for this project.
Mr JK's footy hat and scarf (4)

It's almost time for the next project in the Fall in Full Color club. My yarn arrived this week, an autumnal worsted weight package. I'm looking forward to the pattern release tomorrow. I wonder what it will be?!

Knitspot October yarn 002

So with the next pattern imminent, I'd better love you and leave you, and go and get knitting! Mr JK and I are off to Greece next weekend, as it's half term, so there's all the holiday knitting to consider too! Busy, busy! See you! xxx


  1. I know what you mean about multiple projects. I went through a spell of that recently, and felt like I was getting nowhere.

    Rene is looking great, I do like cables! And Miss Dolittle is beautiful. I've been admiring Snoopydog's version on her blog. I wouldn't have picked those colours either, but I think they look gorgeous on that scarf, it's so autumnal! I also like how the yellow is zig-zaging up the scarf.

    I've made one pair of socks using Wendy Happy. They are completely plain knit, and have washed perfectly.

    The colours in your spinning are great, and I have a question - how does that plastic foot not fall over?! It's bizarre!!! (Or maybe I'm not looking at the photo properly!) :O

  2. Ooh some lovely knitting there :) The hat will be perfect even if the green isn't quite bright enough, his head will be a lot warmer than the heads of any of the other supporters in acrylic hats!

  3. My goodness me.How do you decide which to pick up.I have lost my mojo at the moment.I finished a cardie for my granddaughter(still not made up) and a pair of socks in some lovely tweed Posh Yarn but have no idea what to do next.

  4. gorgeous line up of wips!
    i'd have copied ros' miss doolittle if i had the yarn as well!

  5. Love the sock yarn you bought, it's a really pretty colour. I have the book in my Amazon basket, but it takes 2 to 4 weeks to come!!! Glad you had a good time yesterday. Have a good week. ROs

  6. The world of knitting looks so much fun .... lovely colours. Have a wonderful time in Greece!!! Only one week to go ... yippee!

  7. you have a super lovely blog

    found you via snoopydog

    i will be back :)

    have a great week x

  8. You have some gorgeous projects on the go, I particularly love the colour of the cardigan and the second pair of socks.

  9. Love the pink , not so fussy about the Clubhouse like you. I guess it is just not a "pretty" colour.
    Some of those socks are spectacular but they look very complicated.
    Have a nice break in Greece.

  10. Have a wonderful time in Greece! It was so lovely to see you again in London - I didn't realise the Norfolk Mafia was also a FIFC club meet-up! I would have brought my FIFC wips too. LOVE the Fourth of July - got mine this week in HK. Wheeee!

  11. Lovely yarny post, you've got me all fired up to get knitting again, that and a temperature of about 3 degrees outside. Have a great time in Greece, hot but not too hot to knit I hope.

  12. All your WIPs look great - especially the cardigan, I'm loving the pattern.

    Loop looks amazing. I keep meaning to go! I wouldn't of been able to show restraint, so many lovely yarns!

    Hope you have a lovely time in Greece :)

  13. Rena is looking great, and I love that blue sock. I'd love to know how bamboo holds up for socks! And i am very envious of you new book and yarn all those soocks look great.

  14. very very lovely your protjekts.

    Greatings send you Conny


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx