Monday 19 December 2011

Disaster averted!

disaster averted 004
I shut myself in my craft room with a cup of tea, shut Florence out (much to her annoyance!), and emerged triumphant an hour and half later with two cakes of yarn! Phew! Both skeins were tangled, although the second nowhere near as badly as the one I showed you in the photo yesterday. Lookout wussypillows, here I come!


  1. Congratulations on getting that tangled mess sorted out! I'd have completely lost the plot with it! And smart move keeping Florence locked out. Definitely best for everybody!!

  2. That is so impressive!Enjoy the holidays and do lots of knitting and spinning.When I was teaching I always treated myself to a special project in the Xmas holiday.

  3. My word that's impressive!!! My needles have been pretty idle since everyone arrived on Saturday. Have a lovely break. Maybe we'll time to get together. Rosxx

  4. Mmm I want to squish those yarn cakes, it looks lovely!

  5. Nicely done! You go girl!

    Did you get the FIFC yarn? It's gorgeous, isn't it.

    Have a very Merry Christmas my dear!

    Alice xx

  6. Do you think if I went into a room with a cup of tea I'd come out with such gorgeous yarn, I think not. Have a lovely Christmas.

  7. yay for you!!
    good idea to leave florence outside... i'm sure she would have loved to help though :)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx