Sunday 12 February 2012

Happy Spinniversary to me!

I find it hard to believe that it's a whole year since I went on my spinning weekend to Blackpool. It was during that weekend that I think that I became a 'real' spinner. My confidence grew, and I got to know my spinning wheel a lot better. It seems a lifetime ago when I first went to my LYS  to have a try at spinning. I was fairly disappointed with my efforts, and was pretty sure that spinning was NOT for me!!
spinning day 007
I had another try about a year later and got on a little better. Mr JK persuaded me to get a spinning wheel, so I decided to buy an Ashford Traveller, as that was the wheel I'd used in the yarn shop. Despite assembling the wheel fairly quickly, I'm ashamed to say that it sat idle for the best part of a year. I was scared to use it and fail! In the meantime, I'm sure that you won't be surprised to hear that I began to accumulate  fibre! One day I noticed a small ad in the back of a knitting magazine, advertising a spinning weekend in Blackpool. The course was being run by Victoria Magnus of Eden Cottage Yarns. I 'knew' Vikki through the Phoenix Knitting Forum, and had bought some of her yarn in the past, so I got in touch to find out more details. The prerequisite was being able to spin a fairly consistent single, so I knew what I had to do! I dug out some fibre and had a go!
first handspun from roving (2)
I was over the moon with my efforts! I had a couple more tries before the weekend, and set off on the long drive from Norfolk to Blackpool with a few butterflies in my tummy!
Vikki was a great teacher, so full of encouragement, and I could see my spinning improving from the word go! I learnt different ways to ply yarn, made my own batt of fibre, and also did some corespinning. I returned to Norfolk full of enthusiasm for my new hobby!
spinning weekend 021
And so my spinning journey had begun. Since then, I have tried to spin every week, and continue to see improvements. My stash of fibre has grown!! Some of my favourite fibre suppliers are Picperfic's Fluff-n-Stuff,
Happy Christmas fibre (1)
fibre stash 004
The Thylacine
greeny-blue fibre (2)
and FeltStudioUK.
fibre stash 007
I've spun a number of different fibres, including Bluefaced Leicester, merino, alpaca and blends including silk, cashmere and seacell. I've become more proficient at Navajo-plying thanks to this great video. I have recently found out about fractal spinning too. I also took part in the Tour de Fleece and won a prize! So what next? Well, I'd like to try spinning different fibre blends, be able to spin some laceweight yarn, spin enough yardage to knit some socks, and ........... the list goes on!! I'll say goodbye and leave you with another look at some of the yarns I've spun over the last 12 months. I'm looking forward to the new spinning year very much. Make sure you call back to find out how I'm getting on! See you very soon! xxx
2011 - spinning year


  1. What an interesting journey and spectacular results.Look forward to seeing your first pair of socks in your hand spun yarn.very exciting.I wish i had your patience and persistence.

  2. Fantastic that you've done so well (and been able to acquire so much fibre). I am stuck at the tried it didn't take to it stage, you are obviously made of stronger stuff. Happy Spinniversary, here's to many more years with your wheel and thanks again for the gorgeous giveaway yarn.

  3. All your spun yarns are beautiful, you're definately very good at it, and that's quite a spinning stash!

  4. Your spinning has really improved. Wish I could find a great spinning workshop around here. I love my Ashford wheel, and I hope to spin on a more regular basis. Thank you for sharing your progress with us. Love that Navajo plying video.

    Keep up the great spinning. : )

  5. Wow! You got a little hooked on the spinning there. I daren't even start down that road! :)

  6. As someone who is just starting their spinning journey it is great to read about your success! I think your spinning looks lovely and what a good choice of fibres!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx