Sunday 10 June 2012

Crochet and cake

Hello! Thanks for calling in. It feels like ages since we last chatted! Mr JK and I were in Germany for the Jubilee weekend to celebrate a family silver wedding. Mr JK does the autobahn driving, so I'm left with plenty of craft time. My companion this time was the ripple blanket. I was about half way through before we left, and now it's all done! I do love this pattern - you can find a step by step guide over at Attic24. I decided to do five rounds of double crochet around the edge and then finish it all off with a picot edging. I love, love, love it! I bet you can guess who else is giving it the paws up, can't you?!
Flo tests out the ripple (1)

Yes, Florence, the resident blanket tester and yarn snuggler approves! I do have some leftover yarn, and should be starting a mini-ripple for Flo very soon! The finished blanket measures 100cm by 80cm (much too big for a pussycat!!). I'm really pleased with how the edging turned out, I pinned each bobble during the blocking.

Rainbow Ripple Blanket (7)

I also finished another pair of plain vanilla socks in a Regia yarn. They are for one of my Uni friends. I still have another three pairs to knit before our get together in October. I use the sock generator pattern from Violet Green as I find it's usually a good fit.

Plain Vanilla socks no8 (2)

We had a lovely few days in Germany. I must confess to some gluttony in the cake department, but I just cannot resist those delicious cakes and pastries!! From left to right, we have streuselkuchen, fresh strawberry cake and Dutch apple cake (on our return journey!)

Mmmmmmmmmmm cake

While we were in Germany, we visited a very interesting museum. It's really a large collection of objects from the last 100 years, to represent all aspects of daily life. Many of the objects have been collected from local families. There are sections on shopping, the household, farming, school, crafts and much more. It's a hands on museum, where you are encouraged to pick things up and handle them. In fact, we sat around the table and had tea and cakes using china from one of the displays!! I was especially interested in the handicrafts section. There were a number of spinning wheels, lacework, stitching and knitting. There was a lady demonstrating the loom while we were there.


On our way back to the UK, we stopped off in Delft again. We first went there last summer on our way back to Hoek van Holland to catch the ferry home and liked it very much. Our first stop was for lunch - a Dutch pancake of course! (I think I had the same pancake last time too!)
Germany June 2012 108

Delft has a number of canals running through the centre. I don't think there can be many boats travelling on them as many are covered in waterlilies.

Germany June 2012 103

I even found a little yarn shop tucked away. It had lots of beautiful crocheted things on show including a fabulous lightshade. If you are ever in Delft, you might like to pop in to Knotten.

Germany June 2012 114

Since returning home, I've been busy playing catch up with all the jobs I put off doing before I went away! That included tidying up the craftroom, and putting away various fibre-related acquisitions. I received a fantastic parcel of fibery goodness from a dear friend, Kat. Do you think she knows what my favourite colour is?!!
fibre goodness from Kat (14)

I shall see you soon when you'll be able to check on the progress I've made on Flo's blankie! Bye! xxx


  1. You've been very busy. Sounds like a fun packed half term. I've been to Delft ... it's very pretty.
    Love the ripple blanket.

  2. Looks as if you had a delicious and productive holiday.

  3. Gosh you seem to have done (and eaten) so much while I've been sulking in the rain. The blankie is so cheerful amd just the thing for a British summer, best crack on with Flo's.

  4. Your blanket is beautiful and the colours you've picked are lovely. The little bobbles on the edging really set it off. It must have taken some time to pin it all out!

  5. I've never been to Germany nor Holland for that matter but what a great museum and those pastries look mouthwateringly delicious!

  6. oh your ripples turned out so so gorgeous!!
    flo has very good taste :)

    looks like you had a wonderful holiday! all those cakes and the dutch pancakes - yum!!

  7. Don't know how I missed this one, but I did! Lovely photos. Plenty to eat and drink, I see! Love your blanket. I must do a proper edging around my next one. Ros x


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx