Tuesday 3 July 2012

Tour de Fleece - Day 4

I got back to my Sheep Heid spinning today, spinning two more colours of yarn - this time the fibre was Shetland, in grey and black. I split the fibre into two equal(ish!) pieces and then spun both colours onto either end of two bobbins. I just need to remember to start plying the black first to avoid a tangle!!

Tour de Fleece 2012 day 4 002

I have some rather gorgeous silk fibre to try out before letting myself loose on a bigger quantity in my stash. This silk comes from my LYS and is bagged up in small amounts - perfect for playing with!

Tour de Fleece 2012 Day 1 006

I had rather a nice surprise when I check into Team Superfleece on Ravelry yesterday. My name had been chosen at random to receive a $30 gift certificate from Briar Rose Fibers. I asked Chris to choose something for me so it will be fun waiting to open a mystery parcel in a week or so! xxx

1 comment:

  1. oh i love briar rose fibers - they always have a booth at our fiber festival. they are genius with the colors, you'll be happy i'm sure with what ever they send!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx