Saturday 7 July 2012

Tour de Fleece - Day 8

I have to confess that there has not been a great deal of spinning in the josiekitten household today. Mainly because I was doing something else really nice!! I went into Norwich to see my good friend Snoopydog, and we had a lovely time catching up. It was Snoops' birthday this week, so of course a squishy present was in order. I managed to get my hands on a Plucky Knitter Color Affection kit. I'm sure you'll be able to read more about it over on Snoopydog's blog later this weekend. The only trouble is, I want one now!! You may remember that I bought some yarn for one when Mr JK and I were in London back in May. I must dig those skeins out and get them wound. I think it'll make the perfect beach knitting project!
Anyway, back to the spinning. I have made a start on the last two bits of Shetland fibre - white Shetland and Moorit Shetland. The Moorit is a rare breed, so I feel quite lucky to be spinning some of its fibre. I had the company of a certain little cat while I was spinning. Flo was fascinated by the moving shadows and spent ages watching the bobbin turning round (on the carpet!)

Tour de Fleece 2012 day 8 001

Here's the first bobbin spun up with half of each fibre on it. I shall spin the remainder tomorrow.

Tour de Fleece 2012 day 8 004

Now excuse me while I go and sort out Flo. She has just come downstairs, making a throaty miaow, so I know she has a 'trophy' of some sort. The  trouble is, she has good taste - it's a skein of mink and cashmere yarn wound into a yarn cake, all ready to knit! Love her!! xxx


  1. I love your spinning, but I really love Flo in this post, I would love a cat, I have had two in the past, neither for very long, my Kitten ran away and then I got a large tabby from a rescue centre, he was great but I only had him a couple of years. I am actually allergic to cats too but it was worth putting up with itchy eyes to have a Buddy. (That was his name). Now I have a large dog, three chickens and a Budgie, quite enough trouble!

  2. Oops!Great taste for a cat,We have a 10 month old kitten/cat who is a rescue cat but so lovely BUT HE STOPS ME KNITTING!

  3. glad you and ms.snoops had a good visit!
    your spinning is looking as fabulous as ever. and i think it's lucky that flo was interested in the shadow instead of the actual wheel!
    such a good kitty you have.

  4. You've had a busy, spinny week. Love all of the end results so far. Great picture of Flo watching the shadows! It was lovely to see you yesterday and to receive such a gorgeous present. Have a good week. Rosx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx