Sunday 9 September 2012

All sorts!

Whoosh! That's what the last week has felt like! Term started on Tuesday, and since then life has more or less passed me by. Apologies if you have been waiting to see if you were a winner in my birthday blog giveaway. Mr JK drew out four names last Sunday - they were amandacake, spinthrift, busybusybeejay and QuantumTea. I have been in touch with all the winners and their prizes are on their way. Thanks to all of you who left me a comment - you have given me some great blog recommendations!
I finally got round to taking some photos of my Color Affection shawl. I bought the yarn from Loop the weekend that Mr JK ran his 10k in London, and most of it was knit on the beach in Kos. I do like it a lot, although I wonder whether I have been a little too conservative with the colours! Maybe I'll knit another one and be a little bolder with my colour choices!

Color Affection 003
I haven't quite worked out how I am going to wear it yet - probably as an oversized scarf, as I never seem to be able to keep things draped artfully around my shoulders!
I have been doing a little bit of spinning off and on. I started some BFL fibre the day that I went down to help Snoopydog get going on her spinning, and finally managed to get the yarn plied this weekend. I went for a 3ply yarn, and have ended up with about 180 metres of deliciously springy yarn. Not sure what it will be! I have lots of handspun like that, maybe it'll all end up being part of a blanket!

Fluff'n'Stuff BFL Seaweed 3ply

I have been busy sorting out a project for this term's knitting club too. I have settled on some garter stitch bunting that we can use to decorate the school corridors. I have set the children the challenge of getting as far as the Headteacher's office! I might see if I can enlist the help of some parents to make a little bit too, by providing them with a mini-ball of yarn - just enough for one triangle's worth. It could be fun! I made a few just to get us started.
knitting club bunting 007

Florence did some quality control testing for me today. One of the knitting projects from last year's club was knitting squares to make cat blankets. The squares finally got sewn together and I finished the blankets off with a couple of rounds of double crochet.

school knitting club cat blankie paws up (2)

Both blankets were given a paws up, so we will be taking them to the cat sanctuary in the next few weeks.

school knitting club cat blankie paws up (1)

I am currently knitting a pair of plain vanilla socks for one of my Uni friends. The yarn is a crazy Zauberball, and I do like the tweedy shades of purple a lot!

ThreeBagsFull matching projects (3)

I have also dug out my mink and cashmere cardigan, and hope to make some headway with that again this week. I had forgotten how much I like the yarn and the pattern!

ThreeBagsFull matching projects (8)

Guess who else likes it?!

ThreeBagsFull matching projects (6)

Flo LOVES yarn! Several times this week, I have had to rescue knitting or balls of wool from her clutches. I suppose I should be happy that we share a hobby but ........  I have promised that I will knit her a little mouse from the leftovers of this yarn!
Time for me to skedaddle! Mr JK has just come in, so it's time for a mug of tea and a slice of cake. I made a German poppyseed cake this morning and it's delicious! Well, I had to test it to make sure it was ok for Mr JK now didn't I?! Have a good week! xxx
poppyseed cake


  1. Your Colour Affection shawl is beautiful! I've sworn off knitting anything until I know how heavy my college workload is going to be, but I REALLY want to knit myself one now. It'll be useful for the cold evenings trudging to college and back from the station, after all. :-)

  2. Wow!All those projects.I finished a lacy scarf yesterday and promptly cast on some socks and then my yellow scarf/shawlette.

  3. I think the colours in your Colour Affection are beautiful, not conservative at all. I laughed at the photos of Flo, she definately taked a shine to your cardigan!!

  4. Oh my, that cake looks wonderful! I love your Color Affection... it's turned out beautifully. I really like your bunting too. What a great idea for school. Have a good week. Rosx

  5. I do so love all of your projects and your beautiful cat as well. I have a KAL lace scarf to finish, I've started a coat for my daughter's Christmas present, a longline waistcoat for myself and there are oodles of projects just waiting to be started on.

    I love your spun yarn as well, still having problems with thick slubby spinning on the drop spindle - but plodding on

  6. goodness me, is there ever a lot of loveliness in this post! where to start...
    i love your color affection, your bunting, and your kitty blankets (and of course your lovely kitty model)...
    and your spinning, i always love that!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx