Saturday 22 September 2012

Dashing in!

Hello! It's another flying visit today. We are heading down to Portsmouth tomorrow for my Auntie's 95th birthday, so all our usual weekend activities are having to be condensed into one day! I have been busy with house things over the last week (more of that another time), so there hasn't been a great deal of progress on the knitting front. I have managed to finish another pair of plain vanilla socks for one of my University friends. We are meeting up in Bath (where we went to Uni) in three weeks time, as it will be 25 years since we graduated! Gulp! Where have those years all gone? Anyway, I still have one more pair of socks to knit before I see my friends. I shall make sure that I cast on before our drive south tomorrow - it'll be easy car knitting. Here's my most recent pair of socks, knit with the Zauberball that Flo took such a shine to last week!
Plain vanilla socks no.10  (2)

A blogging friend, Lynne, has reminded me that it's Innocent Smoothie hat time again. I have taken part in the Big Knit for the last few years, although I haven't been as organised this time round. So I am challenging myself to knit 20 little hats before the closing date on October 1st. That will raise £5 to help keep an old person warm this winter. I'm using oddments from my stash and appear to have taken over the table in the lounge.
little hats in the making

Hopefully I will have the 2012 collection to show you next weekend. Now that the nights are drawing in and the evenings are getting chillier, (sock wearing has begun again!) I have an urge to make a cosy blanket of some kind to snuggle up with on the sofa. Once I've finished my gift knitting, maybe I'll have a rummage through my stash and see what I can find.
I treated myself to a 'back to school' bag from Michele over at ThreeBagsFull. The fabric is so, so cute - it's called Snooze Owls. Look!

snooze owls bag 001

It even comes with co-ordinating ribbon and a cute owl bead!

snooze owls bag 003

snooze owls bag 002

Here's the bag in all its glory. I think it will be the perfect home for this year's little knitted hats, don't you? See you soon. xxx

snooze owls bag 004


  1. I like the color grading on the socks. They're beautiful!

    The owls are so cute!

  2. oooh that sock yarn is fabulous!
    can't wait to see all your teeny hats!

    hope you have fun at your anut's birthday!!

  3. Your socks look fab, and thank you for the mention! Good luck with your Smoothie hats, and I really like the owl bag. :)

  4. What a cute bag! I think I'm addicted to those bags! Hope you have a lovely time down in Pompey. X

  5. Gorgeous owl bag - so cute. And thanks for the reminder about the Innocent smoothie hats too. The deadline escaped me last year so I hoped to do better this year.

  6. Love the owl bag - might have to get one for my mum who loves owls herself - nice little Birthday pressie for her. Amazing that you managed to rescue the yarn enough to actually make the socks - they are lovely. That's also on my Santa list - some Zauerball yarn.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx