Thursday 1 November 2012

A Scottish Adventure - Day 6

We've had another lovely day today, travelling down to the south of Skye, driving around the Sleat peninsula. Sunshine, blue skies and more breathtaking scenery. The Highland peaks were covered with a dusting of snow, giving the perfect backdrop to our journey.

Skye day 6 005

Skye day 6R 003

Skye day 6 012

Skye day 6 020

We called in at the Isle of Skye Candle Company in Broadford on the way home, and bought some lovely scented candles for Christmas - Cinnamon, Winter Warmer and Ginger and Nutmeg. The whole shop had a gorgeous smell. We walked down to the small harbour in search of a spinning studio, (sadly closed until next Easter!)

Skye day 6 023

A quick detour into Dunvegan to Jann's cakes before going home - today's treat was a piece of Ecclefechan tart - a delicious mixture of fruit, nuts and spices. It would make a great alternative to mince pies at Christmas. Ours had pecan nuts on top. It's our last day tomorrow, we're planning on walking down to the nearest beach. See you! xxx

Skye day 6 025


  1. Oh my goodness. That tart looks delicious! I thought of you last night. I was watching Grand Designs and they were showing lovely sweeping shots of gorgeous scenery and I thought to myself, that looks like the photos I've been seeing over on The Woolly Adventures of a Knitting Kitty! Turns out I was right, the programme was set on Skye!

  2. Such interesting and beautiful scenery and a lovely yummy tart!

  3. oh wow! each day your photos are just so stunning and gorgeous! i'm so glad you're taking us along on your journey!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx