Saturday 2 March 2013

Settling in

Well hello there! Long time, no see! It feels like ages since I last blogged. Life has been hectic. Can you guess what we have been doing?! Yes!!! Unpacking boxes! It was half term last week and I spent the what felt like the whole week unpacking boxes and trying to find homes for things. We are pretty much there now, just a few boxes left. We still need to do things like put up pictures. Hopefully that will get done this weekend sometime. I promised you a guided tour, didn't I? I'll start off today with a tour of downstairs.
The lounge runs the length of the house; the patio doors face south, so it is a lovely sunny room. As you can see, we have a lot of books!! The sheepskins that we bought in Skye last October are in use now on the sofas, and they are lovely and snuggly.
lounge (3)

lounge (1)

The kitchen is fabulous. There is so much storage space in there, it's wonderful to be able to put things away in cupboards and not have them out on the worktops gathering dust! Mr JK loves the Rangemaster cooker!

kitchen (2)

kitchen (1)

The office is the new home of the piano. It was my Grandmother's wedding present and dates back to the 1920's. I love it!

study (1)

study (2)

The garden has been well looked after, so it will be fun seeing what is growing in there. I took this photo this afternoon. The blue sky makes a lovely change, although it's still pretty chilly!
garden (1)

There are lots of snowdrops growing in little clumps around the garden.

garden (3)

I think this is a Hellebore.

garden (4)

All the while I was outside, Flo was keeping a careful eye on me. We need to start 'Operation Cat Collar' and get a cat flap fitted so that she can start to explore her new surroundings. I'll see you very soon when I will actually have some knitting to share with you! Good heavens!! xxx
watchful Flo (2)


  1. I'm impressed.What a lovely house.I love the his and hers desks!We also have a house full of books.Hellebores and snowdrops already-very promising.

  2. Lovely looking house and garden. I too have a great many books but no one can beat my Mum who literally has hundreds and a whole wall of bookcase in one room and others dotted around the house and in the attic.

  3. The new place looks wonderful. I love it that you have flowers in bloom already!

  4. The house looks great. I love that lounge. I'm impressed you have stuff up on the walls already. We had work done on the house over 2 years ago and we still haven't got the pictures back up yet!

  5. Welcome Home! It looks lovely. Almost didn't recognize Flo without any yarn!!

  6. Happy home. You certainly do look settled and have done well to get so much unpacked, ie yes that is a lot of books. Impressed.

  7. What a lovely house! I hope you will all be very happy there. :)

  8. oh what a very love house and garden!
    and now that all the moving/packing/unpacking is done you can just sit back and enjoy it!

    tell flo she is as gorgeous as ever!

  9. Oh Helen, what a wonderful house!! It looks so warm and welcoming, and I love the light. Good to see the little princess is settling in so well.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx