Monday 4 November 2013

1300 miles = lots of knitting time

Just popping in to say hello!! We had a great week in Germany. We were visiting friends and family near Frankfurt and Munich and luckily for me, Mr JK was happy to do the driving whilst I knit and kept my eye on the Sat-Nav! The round trip was around 1300 miles, and that meant a LOT of stitches!! So hot off the needles are a pair of Roxy socks, knit with a Regia self-striping yarn.

Roxy socks (2)

I finished the back and one front of my Caissa cardigan. I bought this yarn last year when we went to Skye. It has a lovely dense, velvety feel to it and I am looking forward to wearing it this winter!! It is a pretty straightforward knit, so I am hoping that I am going to be able to whizz my way up the second front and sleeves!

Caissa WIP (5)

Caissa WIP (6)
I have also made great progress on some secret knitting. I can't share it with you at the moment, hopefully in a few weeks all will be revealed!!!
I did make a couple of squishy purchases during our travels. First was two balls of a Regia sock yarn with silk in it. I need something soft to knit our German friend Wolfgang some special socks. His feet need a lot of TLC as he has recently undergone foot surgery. I also bought two tiny balls of Regia sock yarn for baby Otto's new socks!! These balls are seriously cute!! One 25g ball knits a pair of baby socks. Awwwwwwwww!!


holiday yarn (6)

Of course no trip to Germany would be complete without cake!!! And yes, we did have a bit of a cake-fest!! In fact, by the time we got home, both Mr JK and I were longing for fresh fruit, vegetables and salad, all of which seemed to have been somewhat lacking from our diet the whole week!!
Germany October 2013 014

I do love German soups - this is linseneintopf with wurst, and it is really, really yummy! It's a thick soup made with lentils, vegetables and smoked bacon.

Germany October 2013 004

We took a trip down to the mountains one day, there was a definite feeling of winter in the air. It won't be long before those mountains are covered with snow!

Germany October 2013 024

We stopped off in Delft on our way back to the ferry. A lot of things were closed because there was a memorial service being held for Prince Friso who died recently. Security was high and there was a huge police presence. We saw the event on the news later that day - as well as the Dutch Royal family, there were members of other European Royal families and other guests included Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the singer Bono and the former UN secretary general Kofi Annan. We visited the Royal Delft factory to see how the famous blue pottery is made. There was a rather impressive Delft version of the Night Watch.

Germany October 2013 054

It was good to sleep in our own bed again last night. And tonight I reckon we will have the company of a certain little cat who I picked up from her 'hotel' after school today! See you soon! xxx


  1. Welcome home, how nice to come back with all that knitting done and to some kitty company. Funny about all the cake, when we go to Italy we eat an excess of fresh fruit and veg, I long for a Victoria sponge or a lemon drizzle though I do enjoy the slight weight loss.

  2. glad you had such a lovely trip and so so much time for knitting!
    the socks turned out great! love how the self-striping worked with the pattern.
    i recently had a similar "i need to stop eating sugar-carbs and eat some veggies" experience while visiting my mother-in-law as well... who knew i could eat so much broccoli in one sitting?!? :)

  3. I'm glad you had a great time and were able to knit. I love the tile.

  4. What a fabulous trip and oh my, that cake and that soup with bratwurst! Fantastic!

  5. I googled knitting blogs and found yours. Love it! greetings from finland :)

  6. I love those socks, the Regia colours and stripes are lovely. I've recently become converted to Regia sock wool, because I've decided that I don't like how Trekking XXL stripes - and that's what my LYS mostly sells. Anyway, good luck with the rest of your cardigan!

  7. Looks like you had a really lovely week! Loving how Caissa is turning out. Sucha pretty colour! Rosx


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx