Sunday 26 January 2014

Ribbit ribbit!

When you have had a part knit sweater languishing in a bag for more than two years, you know it's time for drastic action! Although I love the Rene sweater, I didn't love the way the yarn was knitting up. It was too dense and stiff to make a really comfortable and cosy fabric, which is what I'm looking for in a winter woolly!
ribbit ribbit! 001


ribbit ribbit! 002

ribbit ribbit! 003


ribbit ribbit! 004


ribbit ribbit! 005

The yarn is currently soaking to relax it before being rewound into lovely fat yarn cakes. This is all part of my pre-Ravellenic training to prepare for my goal. Yes, I am going to try to knit a sweater during the Sochi Winter Olympics. Over in the ThreeBagsFull group on Ravelry, we are having an informal 'no pressure' Ravellenics KAL. I am being very ambitious in aiming for a finished sweater, but I am going for gold!! I do have a week's holiday from school for half term before the end of the Games, so there is a little glimmer of hope! This is the sweater I am hoping to knit. I shall be casting on sometime on February 7th and hope to be done by the end of the closing ceremony on February 23rd!

Are you challenging yourself to knit something during the Winter Olympics too? May the odds be ever in your favour!! xxx 


  1. That yarn is gorgeous and it deserves to be liberating from UFO hell. I think the sweater you are planning on knitting will be perfect for showcasing the lovely yarn.

  2. Wow you do mean business don't you. Pity the original didn't work out as the cables looked great, but then the new pattern looks equally nice. So ease off the training you'll soon be on the starting blocks.

  3. Brave...that's a lot to rip.....good for you, knowing you'll not wear the new choice!

    I have a sweater I really should do that with, but the yarn is inexpensive, so may just chuck the whole thing...

  4. Frogging is always tough, even though it's usually the right thing to do! This yarn is gorgeous, as is the new jumper pattern; I do like the shaping at the top of the sleeves. Good luck with it!

  5. That's very brave after all that hard work. I do agree though;no point keeping something that will never be finished and that you're not completely happy with. ROsx

  6. You are so brave to undo all that hard work. But if it was the right thing for you, then it was worth doing. I love the colour.

  7. What beautiful vibrant colours you're using.
    Kitty won't give up the cardi yet?

  8. What a shame as you'd done so much but no use to go on if you are not happy with it and never wear it. Like the new pattern.

  9. good for you!
    it takes guts to admit that an old project is done for...
    good luck with your olympic goal!

  10. That's so painful, but it's better to see it go to a better project than to just sit in a bag forever.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx