Sunday 5 January 2014

The kindness of friends

I had a LOVELY day in London yesterday. I met up with Katharine, the other moderator of the ThreeBagsFull group on Ravelry. We shopped for fabric and yarn, drank tea and ate cake, chatted and knitted, and of course made lots of plans for events in the group. Katharine told me I needed to bring a suitcase down with me - and I was completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of some of my dear friends who sent wonderful treats over for me. I won't even begin to tell you how much chocolate I brought back!!!

I also met up with my dear friend Snoopydog today and we exchanged Christmas gifts. So I included the goodies from Snoops in the photo. Aren't knitter just some of the best people? xxx
kindness of friends (2)

kindness of friends (1)

kindness of friends (3)


  1. My goodness me!What a pile of goodies.Lucky you.

  2. Wow amazing. I was given the Yarm Whisperer as well and thoroughly loved it. If you haven't read it yet you have a treat in store.

    Knitters are the nicest people, that is so true.

  3. I'm shocked! And I have to admit, more than a little bit envious too! Although I did receive a swift and a yarn winder for Christmas so I really can't complain at all, but that's an amazing amount of loveliness!

  4. yay!!! what a wonderful pile of gifts!!
    you are going to make some gorgeous gorgeous handknits!!!!

  5. Wow! What a haul of gorgeous goodies. The kindness of crafters really does restore my faith in the human race sometimes!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx