Monday 14 April 2014

Happiness is.......

...... finding the right size dpns for the sleeves of my cardigan.

happiness 002

...... watching the stripes of colour growing in the latest piece of my 64 Crayons blanket.

happiness 013

...... searching through fabrics to find perfect pairings for a sewing project.

happiness 017

...... bluebells blooming in the garden.

happiness 003

...... enjoying a mug of tea and a hot buttered crumpet for lunch.

happiness 001

...... successfully casting on 473 stitches for a lace shawl!!

happiness 010

...... choosing some fibre to spin up for the next BareNakedKnitspot project.

happiness 018

...... baking mohnkuchen (German poppy seed cake.)

early morning baking 012

...... watching Florence enjoy the sunshine in the garden.

Flo in April garden

What has made you happy today? xxx


  1. The sun is shining up here in the North today so definitely smiling weather! I absolutely love those gorgeous fabrics and am looking forward to seeing what you are going to stitch with them x

  2. Sounds like Heaven!!! Thepopy see cake looks scrum my! xx

  3. * the poppy seed cake!!!!!!!!! :-)

  4. What made me really happy was rescuing a family of frogs, about 12 of varying sizes, that have been living under an old grow bag in the garden. We wanted to tidy up so put them into a bucket of water and delivered them to a neighbor's pond. I think we deserve some of that cake.

  5. well flo steals the show on this post!! she's so pretty in the sunshine!
    finally finding time to catchup on my blog reading is making me happy!!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx