Wednesday 13 August 2014

Playing hooky down in Devon

Oh I've had such a lovely weekend! I went down to Devon to stay with an old friend from my time at University and we spent our days visiting National Trust properties, dodging the downpours and having some yarny fun with crochet hooks! 

The first property we visited was Knightshayes, a Victorian Gothic house. The house was built by the Amory family, whose ancestors invented the mechanised bobbin lace making machine. In fact, the factory was moved down from Loughborough to Tiverton in 1816 after it was destroyed by Luddites, and many of the factory workers walked from Loughborough to Devon to continue working for the family. 

Devon Aug 2014 (6)

Devon Aug 2014 (4)

Devon Aug 2014 (17)

There were beautiful gardens to explore as well as woodland to walk through. The walled garden was enormous, and bursting with produce.

Devon Aug 2014 (22)

Devon Aug 2014 (23)

The other property we visited was Killerton. As well as the house and grounds, there's a costume collection there and I spotted this knitted wedding dress!

Devon Aug 2014 (39)

The National Trust had worked with local schools on a project connected with World War 1, finding out about the impact of the Great War on villagers and there was a very moving display of poppies made by the children, each one remembering a villager killed during that time. Quite shocking to see the number of dead from just four small villages in Devon.

Devon Aug 2014 (43)

In between times, I taught Diane how to crochet! We both knitted while we were at Uni, but she had never tried crocheting before. Well, she was a natural and managed to master the basic stitches to produce some flowers and granny squares. Ta dah!! By the time I got back home to Norfolk, she'd emailed me a photo of her next square!! I love the fact that I've taught someone a new craft to enjoy.

Devon Aug 2014  crochet(29)

Devon Aug 2014  crochet(34)

And of course, I didn't let you down! We enjoyed a delicious cream tea on Sunday afternoon - freshly baked scones, Devonshire clotted cream and blackcurrant curd from the National Trust shop. It's really yummy and I'm going to call in at our local NT shop to buy a pot for Mr JK's birthday tea on Sunday! xxx

Devon Aug 2014 (46)


  1. I absolutely love that wedding dress. I wonder how long it took to make it. It has such amazing detail.

    What a great trip. The house is classic, just what I love to see in a scary movie.

  2. What a beautiful house, and the wedding dress is amazing. Yey to the crochet teaching going well!

  3. Looks like you had a lovely weekend! Ros

  4. what a fun weekend you two had!!
    how awesome that you were able to teach your friend to crochet! looks like she was a quick study!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx