Tuesday 30 September 2014

Time Lapse

With blatant copying of a fabulous idea from the Yarn Harlot, here's my weekend in sock photos. We had to go to Portsmouth and there's nothing like a knitting deadline and plenty of car travelling to get the needles smoking!

Saturday 07:42 Norwich.

Time lapse sock (1)

09:57 Crossing the River Thames on the QE2 Bridge, Dartford.

Time lapse sock (40)

11:03 Pit stop on the M25.

Time lapse sock (34)

15:39 In Portsmouth Dockyard, gazing at Nelson's flagship, HMS Victory. 

Time lapse sock (30)

21:08 Back in the hotel room, chilling out.

Time lapse sock (28)

Sunday 07:54 In Old Portsmouth, looking towards the entrance to Portsmouth Harbour.

Time lapse sock (25)

09:10 A yarn-bombed bench that Mr JK passed during his 10K morning run.

Time lapse sock (22)

19:37 Catching up with this week's happenings in Ambridge back in our room.

Time lapse sock (18)

Monday 09:43 The Isle of Wight car ferry coming into Portsmouth Harbour.

Time lapse sock (15)

12:43 Lunchtime - sticky toffee pudding!

Time lapse sock (11)

16:33 Driving in the tunnel through the Devil's Punchbowl at Hindhead.

Time lapse sock (7)

21:29 Back home, with a happy Flo! xxx

Time lapse sock (2)


  1. Blimey! Did you have a day off school? xx

  2. what a fun post!
    hooray for vacation knitting time! you were certainly productive

  3. What a brilliant post! You certainly don't waste a second! Good luck with finishing the second one.

  4. Love the yarn bombed bench. Watch the second sock take a month now, lol!

  5. That's a great idea, and a great time capsule.

  6. LOL I listen to The Archers while knitting & waiting for Cubs :)


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx