Sunday 15 February 2015

A week of casting on is nigh!

A quick post to wave hello at the start of half term. Although I have school reports to write, I am planning on lots of knitting, sewing and spinning to fill my days. On Tuesday, the pattern is released for the first instalment of the knitspot blanket club. I have been waiting for this club for about a year now, I cannot wait to get started. Today, I cast on for a sweater - there's a KAL in the Tangled Yarns group on Ravelry. I've not got far, so will share photos later in the week. While I've been waiting, another blanket has had a bit of attention. This one is the Roger That blanket, another knitspot pattern. I'm using some Cascade 220 yarn and have managed 2 of the 17 repeats. 

Roger That WIP (3)

I received a wonderful parcel from the USA yesterday. It was from the Valentine's Secret swap held in the ThreeBagsFull group. I was lucky enough to have David sending me some of his favourite things. As well as a gorgeous Tall Mia bag with a black cat print on it, there was a skein of his favourite yarn, some delicious dark chocolate with raspberries, some hand cream, kitty snips, gift cards and some extremely pretty stitch markers. 

TBF Valentine's swap (2)

Mr JK ran a personal best in the Valentine's 10K race today, so we celebrated with some homemade chocolate cake! It was really yummy, we could quite easily have scoffed the lot!! I'll see you later in the week with a progress report. xxx

chocolate cake mmmm! (1)


  1. You've got a busy week by the look of it! ;-) Good luck with the reports!! Ross

  2. Sounds like a jolly nice week coming up for you and that chocolate cake is the perfect start. Enjoy.

  3. Your blanket is looking gorgeous! I gasped when I saw the first photo, the stitch pattern is beautiful. It will be perfect for Flo to sleep on, oops, I mean for you to have a snooze under! Good luck with it.

  4. Oh dear that cake looks fantastic...and I'm trying to diet here !!

  5. Purple is my favorite color. That knit looks lovely.

  6. Loving that blanket pattern!
    I hope you enjoyed your break!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx