Sunday 1 February 2015

Poorly sick

Just popping in, between coughing bouts, to share my finished pair of socks. I worked on them on and off during the week, and grafted the toe on Friday evening. They are a gift for Mr JK's cousin in Germany, so will sit in the present drawer until we next meet up.

plain vanilla socks no. 19 (1)

I am most irritated that I haven't done any knitting this weekend. A nasty virus has laid me low and it has been too much effort even to knit. I'm not going into work in the morning as I still feel pretty ropey, so perhaps I will feel like knitting a little tomorrow. I spent much of this morning lying on the sofa, wrapped up in layers of knitwear, topped off with the 69 Crayons blanket. I fully expected Flo to keep me company, and I would willingly have shared the blankie for a little feline company, but she gave me a wide berth. Needless to say, she soon made a cosy nest in said blanket later in the day.

not missing a trick (1)

We haven't had any real snow in our corner of England, and Mr JK spotted these snowdrops in the garden. I hope it's a sign that Spring really is on its way. I have had enough of the cold, wintry weather.

first snowdrops  of 2015 (1)

I'll make this short and sweet and leave you with a photo of Flo. She loves climbing trees and doing a spot of bird watching. There was a blue tit hopping about from branch to branch, teasing her, while she was up the tree. As long as she doesn't try to catch them, then all will be well. See you next week. xxx

Flo looks down on her territory (1)


  1. I like the colour of the socks. They are very easy on the eye. We don't have high trees in our garden, so I have never seen our cats climb that high. I'm not sure my nerves could have coped with that!

  2. So sorry you've been "under the weather," Helen. Hope this week will find you feeling much healthier!

  3. Sorry to hear you've been il. Please get well soon because I'm worried you are going to forget how to knit and then what will Flo do for something new to sit on.

  4. Hope you feel better very soon. It was a similar virus that laid my family and I low over Christmas.

    Mine was cleared completely by the adrenalin rushing through me the night that Ivan died. I can definitely not recommend that as a way to get rid of any illness though.

  5. Aw hope you feel better soon. Your snowdrops look very pretty. I didn't plant any last year but kind of wishing I had now as they flower so early. I've got lots of bulbs pushing up shoots and just waiting for some warmer weather

  6. Oh no! This sounds exactly like what I had a few weeks ago. I found my crochet blanket to be just the thing, and feel slightly disappointed that Flo didn't jump at the chance for a snooze on your blanket! My cats don't need to be asked! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  7. Oh dear, sorry to hear you are poorly. It hit me too this week but I am feeling much better now and hope you do soon. Keep warm!

  8. Hope you are feeling better by now!!! Can't go too many days with no stitches, you know. It's not good fore! Ros x


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx