Sunday 13 September 2015

One step forward ...

... and two steps back. At least that's what it feels like right now. I had a hospital appointment this week and have been given a completely rigid splint for my thumb. It was made using thermoplastic while I waited. It was a bit of a Blue Peter moment as I watched a flat sheet of plastic end up as a 3-D splint, complete with velcro fastenings. It is a very tight fit and not especially comfortable to wear. Plus of course, it means that knitting is off the cards again. (Insert a very pouty face here!) I am also starting some ultrasound sessions which I really hope will do the trick. Apart from the  couple of weeks when we were travelling around Germany and I did some knitting to keep my mind off the autobahns, I haven't picked up any knitting needles since June. Please keep everything crossed that the ultrasound works.

One step forward and two steps back

The Tour of Britain cycling event passed almost right outside my front door yesterday. So while Mr JK was out (more of that later), I walked to the end of the road in time to watch the cyclists speed past. Quite a lot of the village turned out to cheer them as they whizzed by - all gone in a matter of seconds! These were the leaders ...

Tour of Britain Stage 7 2015 Norfolk (5)

.... closely followed by the peloton...

Tour of Britain Stage 7 2015 Norfolk (9)

Despite the wet weather, Mr JK was out running yesterday. He is taking part in his first marathon in October and yesterday was the day he'd planned for his 'chunky' run. I dropped him off in Norwich around 7am and he ran the entire Marriott's Way (all 26 miles of it) in under 5 hours! Considering that it was an off-road, trail run, he was really pleased. And of course, now he knows that he can do it! Running in Dublin with all the encouragement from the crowds and on roads should be a walk in the park!!!!! 

I set some time aside this morning for a photo shoot. I have a rather special Secret Project that I was able to work on in Germany and I wanted to take some photos in preparation for a blog post. Well, no sooner had I set up the project ready for photos than Florence emerged from her furry igloo all bleary eyed. Naturally she spotted something knitted and immediately tried to take possession! The battle has begun! I'll share more photos in a couple of weeks time, I promise! xxx

Flo can't keep her paws off this knitting secret!


  1. Hope you get some improvement soon.It must be so frustrating.The Tour of Britain went past our house last Sunday here in North Wales.It brought all the neighbours out which was good.

  2. Well done Mr. JK - that's quite an achievement. Hope you get better soon so you can get back to the knitting - thermoplastics are such clever stuff though aren't they? Love the photo of Flo's paw! xx

  3. Hmmmm! Hope the splint does the trick!!! XX

  4. Argh!! That's so frustrating! Hopefully the splint and ultrasound will do the trick.

  5. Sorry to see you are so incapacitated, must be very frustrating and looks mighty uncomfortable. I can see Flo is doing her best to keep you cheerful, bless her.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx