Sunday 18 October 2015

Another crazy nine patch cushion to celebrate Sew Saturday

I noticed that yesterday was Sew Saturday, an event created to celebrate independent fabric shops and haberdasheries. Although I didn't actually buy any fabric yesterday, I put to good use both the skills learnt from my most recent class at The Makeplace and the Liberty Tana Lawn pieces from Alice Caroline that I bought at Ally Pally last weekend. I have long loved Liberty Lawn, it feels so luxurious and comes in so many beautiful prints. I wanted to make another crazy nine patch cushion cover. My starting squares were slightly smaller than on my original cushion, dictated by the width of the fabric pieces so I ended up adding a border all the way around the cushion panel to make it 18" square. I absolutely love it and Mr JK thinks it's beautiful too! He did suggest taking it into the office to use on his chair there, but I was selectively deaf at that point!!!

sew saturday Liberty lawn patchwork cushion (2)

Here it is on the sofa, which looks rather messy! I have tidied it since seeing this photo.

sew saturday Liberty lawn patchwork cushion (7)

sew saturday Liberty lawn patchwork cushion (4)

Of course, Flo was keen to investigate this haven of squishiness and deemed it a perfectly acceptable alternative while she awaits the return of her Ripple Stitch cushion. That cat has good taste!

testing out the new cushion (5)

testing out the new cushion (7)

sew saturday Liberty lawn patchwork cushion (11)

testing out the new cushion (4)

Mr JK (also known as random number generator) picked poster number 4 for my tape measure cosy giveaway. Congratulations PixieFoxtrot, please email me with your details at josiekitten123 at gmail dot com or get in touch via Ravelry and I'll get your prize on its way to you. Thanks to all who entered and if you weren't the lucky winner, you can always hook yourself one using the pattern! Have a good week. I'll hope to pop in before we head off to Ireland on Thursday. Mr JK is running his first marathon in just over a week. xxx


  1. Wow, I'm so pleased to have been picked as your winner. Thank you! I've emailed my details.

  2. Your cushion is gorgeous and Flo looks very photogenic trying it out. Good luck to Mr. JK for the marathon. Have a great week. xx

  3. That is very beautiful - I envy your sewing abilities and Kitty envys Flo's modelling abilities :)

  4. Flo has very good taste, I love your cushion and also Liberty lawn cottons. I have several blouses in it and can use them travelling to hot climes, they still look acceptable after a handwash with no ironing.
    Your couch is not messy but looks lived in and comfortable.

  5. Your cushion is gorgeous, and it's got the Flo seal of approval! I'm with you on it not going anyway near a workplace too.

  6. Beautiful cushion, and cats are so funny. I love how they always have to sit on something - preferably something you are just working on. ;)

  7. This cushion is absolutely gorgeous. I LOVE everything about it! You've got good taste Flo! x


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx