Sunday 11 September 2016

And the winner is...

pauses for drum roll and gets pompom bouquet ready ...

Congratulations to you PixieFoxtrot!! Thank you to everyone who took part in the giveaway. All your names were put in a hat and one was picked out at random by Mr JK. PixieFoxtrot, please get in touch with me either on Ravelry or by emailing me at josiekitten123 at gmail dot com and I will get your vouchers to you as soon as possible. 

If you weren't lucky this time, one of my fellow Stylecraft Blogstars, Heather, over at The Patchwork Heart, has a giveaway right now to win £25 of Stylecraft vouchers - that's enough yarn to make your very own version of her beautiful Batik blanket, pictured above. So head over there NOW!! Good luck everyone and happy knitting and hooking! xxx


  1. Congratulations to the lucky winner! :-) x

  2. Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!
    I've emailed my details just now. Please thank Mr JK for picking me!
    I now have the difficult choice of choosing what to buy. Originally it was going to be Batik. But now you've shown us the Head over Heels.... Decisions, decisions, What a lovely decision to have to make!
    Thank you so, so much, Pixie Foxtrot.

  3. Cute pom poms and great blanket. I just used my Clover, small pom pom maker recently. I had to YouTube how to use it. It works wonderfully.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx