Sunday 4 September 2016

More vintage treasures

Earlier in the year, I showed you some of the lovely things I had found in my auntie's house. I went down to Portsmouth again last week to see her and called in at the house to check that all was well and for another little rummage. I wasn't disappointed! I had mentioned to Mr JK about a little cat picture that I had stitched as a present for my uncle and aunt when I was little. I thought, given my auntie's reluctance to throw anything away, that it had to be in the house somewhere, but where?! It would be like looking for a needle in a haystack! So imagine my surprise and joy when, in the very first bag I looked in, I pulled out this!

more vintage finds (2)

I can still picture the birthday card that I copied it from more than 40 years ago! The colours have stayed strong and it's not looking too aged either. I was over the moon to find this, I can tell you!

more vintage finds (1)

I love the little pink pads on the cat's paw too. I ought to get it framed or at the very least, hang it up n my craft room don't you think?

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I also found a pile of old knitting patterns. I have only flicked through them so far, but there are some real classics - knitted bathing suits for example! Some of the patterns could easily be worn today, so you never know, I might get round to making something.

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I imagine that I will find more patterns in another bag or box as things seem to have been squirrelled away in pretty much every room of the house. I came across a bag full of buttons - all carefully sorted and packed away in paper bags according to colour. This was the contents of the 'brown' bag...

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... and here are one or two favourites that I picked out ...

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Another yellowing paper bag revealed the crocheted edging to a table cloth. It's unfinished but the pattern is there and the live stitch is on a safety pin! It hasn't aged well and needs a good clean. I don't think I have either the crochet skills or the eye sight to finish it!

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more vintage finds (8)

We'll be back in Portsmouth at the end of the month, so I will try to do a little more sorting then. I promise to share with you any crafty goodies that I come across. Don't forget that you still have time to enter my giveaway here. Plus remember all my sneaky peeks at projects? Stylecraft are launching some new yarns this week, so I'll be able to share my projects with you and (hopefully) three new patterns at the weekend! xxx


  1. It's so lovely to uncover hidden treasures! I just love your kitty cat! xx

  2. Lovely kitty embroidery and what luck finding it like that. A knitted bathing suit?! You have to make one of those! xx

  3. The crochet lace is gorgeous! I've never seen anything like that before, and it must have taken it's maker ages to do. Also, yey to finding the kitty embroidery, it's great!

  4. I have acquired tablecloths with similar crochet edgings, one I believe was done by my great grandmother and passed onto me by a cousin of my mother. Back in 1970s my mother and I went to crochet classes, no wool used then, just mercerised cotton and we were taught Irish crochet. Quite fiddly with a fine hook, today I prefer colourful DK and chunky yarns.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx