Sunday 27 November 2016


Mr JK was a huge fan of Christmas, as am I, although I'm not feeling very enthusiastic about it this year. We always decorated the house on Advent Sunday and loved opening each box of decorations, collected over many years, greeting all the trinkets like old friends and remembering where we'd bought them from. This year, those boxes are staying up in the loft, and my token gesture towards Christmas, apart from the glass angel I showed you last week, is a rather rustic string of bunting I made at The Makeplace in Norwich. It was a lovely way to spend a morning and I am pleased with the result. I hung it up around the mantelpiece and it brings a touch of the festive spirit into the house. 

My sock mojo has returned and I have managed to finish a pair of DK socks - I love the fact that they knit up so quickly and will definitely knit more. Perfect for slouching around in at home or wearing inside my wellies at Parkrun. The yarn is from Opal, in their Wintermond range and this colourway is 'Sleigh Ride'. I bought my yarn here and had excellent service from Julie. I've also made progress on my giant granny squares blanket, which tells you something about my sleep (or lack of it), as it sits by my bedside!

Talking of Parkruns, I was volunteering again yesterday and it was another beautiful morning. The mist was just clearing and the sun came out. Still cold, but I don't mind that when it's dry and sunny. Give me that any day over a grey, damp day.

Flo continues to be a great comfort to me, coming for snuggles as regular as clockwork each evening as well as being my night-time companion. She seems to sense when a little nudge or cheek rub is needed. It's so nice driving home and seeing her on the window sill looking out and waiting for me.

I had a lovely surprise in the post this week - I discovered that I'd won a kit from Loop in London. The kit is just gorgeous, 21 mini skeins to knit a stripy slouchy hat. Beautiful happy colours which lifted my spirits when I opened the parcel. I've also received gifts from friends in the USA and Canada this week and yet again have been touched by how kind and thoughtful the knitting community has been. Both my friends on Ravelry and Instagram and Mr JK's running friends on Twitter continue to be so supportive.

Before I go, I must just share with you two giveaways that are running, or soon will be. The Stylecraft Advent Giveaway begins today, over on their Facebook page and Instagram. Running from today until December 20th, they'll be giving away prizes each day. The Blogstars have also given some prizes - I think my day is December 8th, but I'm not going to tell you what I've my prize is! You'll have to keep an eye on Stylecraft! 

The second giveaway is from KnitPro and starts on December 5th. The KnitPro Twelve Days of Christmas giveaway will be giving away more than 70 prizes. You can sing away to the Twelve Days of Christmas as you read your way through this list of treats:

12 Clickies clicking 
11 Yarn Cutters cutting 
10 Packs of stitch markers marking 
9 Colour Cables 
8 Repair Hooks mending 
7 Needle Sizers 
6 Wave crochet hooks 
5 sets of DPNs 
4 Jumbo Birch crochet hooks 
3 Royale Midi sets 
2 Wave Crochet sets
and 1 gorgeous Melodie gift set.

Wow! That's a LOT of prizes, definitely worth entering.  Check in on the KnitPro Facebook page for more details when they are announced.

I'll be popping back on December 1st when I have a rather special Advent calendar to share with you. xxx


  1. You are truly an inspiration, Helen! So very glad you have Flo's companionship during this time. Blessings, dear friend.

  2. I always appreciated coming home to my cats, the house never ever felt empty when we had them around and I still wake up here in Yorkshire missing going out first thing to see our little Italian kitties. I'm so glad you have Flo for that reason and of course for her extensive knowledge of yarn.

  3. Thank you for your post, as always so tender and heartfelt. Thinking of you during the holiday season! Take care....

  4. Your fireplace looks so cosy with its lovely festive bunting. Great prize from Loop - they're beautiful. Think of it as a Christmas present from Mr. JK. Virtual Christmas hugs to you and Flu. xx

  5. Loving the bunting. It looks lovely! Loving the hat kit too; suck an array of pretty colours. Love to you and Flo! xx

  6. How nice that you won such a wonderful prize, a couple of months after Ivan died I won a £100 token for an online craft shop. It's amazing how these little things can bring a lift to your heart. Flo is such a lovely cat and I am so glad that you have her company.

    Your bunting looks marvellous against that fantastic fireplace. I envy you as my house is a modern build and has no such feature in it. Makes it difficult for me to find things to drape bunting and tinsel over for Christmas.

  7. Your bunting is brilliant, I love the wee robin! I also love your fireplace too. Flo is such a jem, I know they say cats are independent but they really do like human company too!

  8. I love your socks. I have just knitted some easy slippers and hope to try socks soon. We have 4 cats.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx