Monday 17 April 2017

Easter snippets

Back to work tomorrow - here's a few photos of my Easter. Hope the Easter bunny paid you a visit! xxx

Flo squeezing herself into a space for a snooze...

Cherry blossom... 

 Mr JK's tree ( a silver birch) in leaf...

 Toasted hot cross buns for lunch...

The first bluebells and primroses at Blickling...

Flo making it difficult to crochet...

A beautiful morning at Blickling ...

Mini-sock knitting in readiness for a workshop...

Soda bread to go with hearty soup ...

Quilt making with Snoopydog...

Being warm enough to get my feet out ...

A biscuit tin full of gingernuts (Mr JK's favourites - google Delia Smith's recipe) ...


  1. What kind of tree is Mr. jK's tree? I saw a group of them the other day and wondered what they are.
    Also, recipe for the gingernuts. I will think of you and MrJK when I make them.

  2. I often have a helper (or two) when I try to crochet! But there is something about a purring helper that makes the interruption less bothersome.

  3. Your sofa looks so cosy with all the cushions and blankets, no wonder Flo loves it. Delicious looking bread and gingernuts! xx

  4. Oh no it's not time to get our feet out is it, mine will need a full service before that can happen. Not ready to cast off my socks, though always ready to cast on another pair - see what I did there.

  5. Happy Spring to you! I love your photos; so full of life. Take care and thank you for posting.

  6. So gloriously spring-like! God bless you, Helen!

  7. Just discovered your blog via Jo's and am looks forward to reading more. Lovely photographs. Those little socks are so cute and your toes are painted such a pretty colour. You've made me want to paint mine now. X

  8. pretty pictures - i love Mr JK's tree - silver birches are pretty!


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx