Sunday 30 April 2017

Looking forward to Yarn Shop Day

Next Saturday it's Yarn Shop Day, when local yarn shops are being celebrated up and down the country. You can read more about it here and look to see what's happening near you. I'm absolutely thrilled to be taking part this year. I shall be at Diss Wool and Craft Shop where I'll be teaching two workshops! In the morning I'll be sharing my love of sock knitting with a mini sock class. I'll be taking the participants through all the steps of knitting a sock as well as learning the Magic Loop technique. I've been making lots of samples, testing out my pattern...

...and in the afternoon, I'm ditching the knitting needles in favour of a crochet hook to show people how to make a granny square. (Sadly we won't be on a Greek beach to make ours, but I just love this photo!) 

There will also be a knitting surgery over lunchtime, where I'll be showing how to finish garments using mattress stitch and demystifying the provisional cast on. Sounds like I'm in for a busy day! I went down to the shop a couple of weeks ago to meet the lovely owner Sue, and we spent the morning chatting and planning out the day. It's going to be lots of fun. Booking for the workshops is essential - all details are on the website here if you fancy coming along! Stylecraft have also donated a rather wonderful prize and anyone making a purchase at the shop from April 22nd to next Saturday will get entered into the draw. Let me give you a little peep at some of the yarny goodness you can find there, just to whet your appetite... hope to meet some of you next weekend! xxx


  1. I am impressed but slightly worried you won't be able to keep your mind on the workshops whilst surrounded by so much gorgeous yarn. Might be best to shop before you start.

  2. What a fantastic yarn shop and look at those super cute socks! It's a shame that I don't live nearer as I'd come along to learn magic loop. I normally use dpns for my socks but would like an alternative. Have fun. xx

  3. That sounds like a busy day! Lots of luck with your classes, and I'm sure some purchases will be made in that lovely shop!

  4. I used to live just a minutes walk from Cobb's Yard, no yarn shop in those days. It looks gorgeous, too far to visit from Wales though.

  5. The shop at DIss is lovely and the owner is always very friendly and helpful I would love to come over to meet you but I am staying with my son in Barcelona for a few days but I have found two yarn shops fairly near here.
    I hope the day goes well so many lovely things to swoon over.


Thank so much for leaving me a message. I hope you enjoyed your visit into my little woolly corner of the world! xxx